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Katie Wells, the “Wellness Mama,” is a wife, a mom of six, an award-winning blogger, author, podcaster, and a real-food crusader. Her mission with WellnessMama.com is to provide simple answers for healthier families through practical tips, real food recipes, natural beauty and cleaning tutorials, natural remedies and more.
To handle her daily workload, Katie has developed systems and tips for living a Wellness Lifestyle™ with a family, and on a budget. She was recently named by Greatist.com as one of the 100 most influential people in health and wellness along with Dr. Oz, Dr. Mercola, Food Babe and Tim Ferriss.
Katie in one word – “amazing”. She has intentionally set up her life (and her family’s life) to be in alignment with who she is and what she values. To do that, she’s had to make some really significant changes and sacrifices, and it hasn’t always been comfortable or easy, but she and her family and kids are already starting to reap the rewards of her efforts. Her story is a reminder to me of the importance of aligning our lives and our actions with what we truly value.
During the podcast, we cover so many important health, life, and well-being topics there are way too many to list. Suffice it to say you should grab a set of headphones, sharpen up your pencil, and take out your yellow pad to be sure you don’t miss anything while listening. Enjoy!
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Episode Notes – #144: Katie Wells
- Katie – a “celebrity” wellness influencer and mother of 6.
- Meeting her husband while taking part in a walk across the entire United States.
- How having 6 kids for her is easier than having 1 or 2.
- Katie’s philosophy about raising kids and her radically cool idea for each of her kids once they turn 13.
- Incorporating health, fitness fun and play into daily community and family life.
- How Katie has intentionally set up her home, location, family life, health, and kid’s education to align with her values and philosophy.
- Her 12-year-old son’s business project – launching a podcast
- How Katie is living a life that “should” earn her an advanced degree.
- Infrared vs. Heat (barrel) saunas (Katie has both)
- Katie’s secret for digesting over 200 books per year.
- Newest thing on Katie’s plate that she’s most excited about – research on PEMF – Pulse Electromagnetic Field Therapy.
- The dangers of EMFs from electronic gadgets in your home. Which are the worst offenders.
- Katie’s suggestion for an easy way to reduce EMFs in your home.
- Pure Harmony Pendants – energetic pendants that Andy has gotten great results with
- Katie’s preferred methods for reading
- Katie’s passion and inspiration – influencing moms to bring up kids in healthy environments
- What’s the best way to coach and help people that don’t necessarily want help or don’t think you’re qualified to help them?
- On being responsible for your own health care.
- How Katie is studying to take the boards and become “Board Certified”. She’s not a doctor and hasn’t been to med school, but is committed to knowing whatever she needs to know.
- How Katie challenges her own beliefs by writing them down.
- Why Katie starts her kid’s day by having them watch 3 Ted Talks.
- 3 questions katie asks her kids to answer every day
- Keeping herself organized for each day with basic apps on her phone
- How she decides on her 3 most important things to do each day and how she manages the specifics
- Katie’s morning routine – breathing, PEMF, sauna, ice baths, red light therapy, HRV
- Katie’s workouts include: being outside, slacklining, battle ropes, kettlebells, lifting weights
- Her reasons for fasting and many of its benefits.
- Katie’s work with doctors – how she manages her own health care
- Katie’s recommendations for blood testing and figuring out what works best for you.
- The items Katie recommends everyone avoid no matter who you are.
- How Katie sets herself and family up for good nutrition over the course of the year.
- Katie’s philosophy and habits in raising her kids to eat a wide variety of healthy food.
- The importance of blood, saliva, urine, and stool testing to determine how your body is handling the food and environment you’re living in and to “dial it it” instead of just guessing.
Links, People & Resources from the Episode
- BOOK – Playborhood by Mike Lanza – setting up your neighborhood for healthy play
- More research and info on saunas and other things – see Dr. Rhonda Patrick at https://www.foundmyfitness.com/
- ARTICLE – LA Times on Russian Bathhouses (Banyas) for hot/cold therapy
- Speed Reading
- Spreeder – Read faster & comprehend more by harnessing the techniques of the world’s most respected speed-reading trainers and record-holders.
- Jim Qwik Speed Reading Course
- Eero – Wi-Fi extender for your home
- Pure Harmony Living – pendants for balancing and harmonizing the body and reducing pain
- BOOK – The Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life
- Joovv light – red light therapy
- Blood / Genetic testing resources
Connect with Katie
Have a question? Have feedback? Want to connect?
Email Andy at podcast@wholelifechallenge.com, or
Connect on social media with Andy directly at Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook
Leave a podcast review – bit.ly/andypetranekpodcast
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