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What If You Got It All Right Starting Today?

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The next Whole Life Challenge starts in:

I have secondary progressive MS that I have kicked to the curb with diet and lifestyle changes. Yes, that’s right, I manage this disease through my daily life choices. So I hold a strong belief that we can take control of our lives to create lasting and meaningful change for ourselves.

One of my regular practices for taking control of my life is to ask myself, “If I got it all right starting today, what would my life look like one year from now?”

Many of us stopped imagining our future once we became adults. We settled into a routine and stopped imagining other alternatives. As a result, we got stuck in a rut, and for many people that has lead to a lack of fulfillment and a lack of health and well-being.

So let’s visualize an alternative. Take a step back and ask yourself, “What would it look like if I got it all right?” Watch the video above, and I’ll explain how to answer this question in detail.

If trying to get it all right feels overwhelming, start with a single aspect of your life. If you exercised every day, what would life look like in a year? If you ate better, what would life look like? If you studied toward your degree, what would next year look like?

Pick something to work on, find your support group, and get moving. Start small and build momentum. I believe in you.

PaleoBOSS Lady (PBL) has a Master of Art in Psychology with a focus on community. She considers herself a miracle since self-healing from secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2012. Through conscious living PBL has overcome the odds and kicks MS to the curb everyday. PBL is 100% Italian, from Philadelphia, and born under the sign of Taurus - earning her the title of BOSS.

PaleoBOSS Lady proudly sits on the Board of Directors of The Wahls Foundation supporting the efforts of Dr. Terry Wahls who has had successful clinical trials healing autoimmune disorders using food based Paleo principles. In addition PBL co-wrote the training program for The Wahls Coaching Program with Dr. Terry Wahls and is a member of The Wahls Team creating worldwide change in healthcare.