Each week, we are all entrusted with an irreplaceable fund of hours…168, to be exact. How you spend these hours is entirely up to you. You can putter around, watching hours and hours of Law & Order reruns. Or you can set about to change your community, or maybe even the entire world.
It just depends on how you choose to spend your fund of hours.
But to say that you don’t have time? Well, that’s garbage. You do have time—you have 168 hours.
A few years ago, I read an article in the Wall Street Journal that suggested we replace the phrase, “I don’t have time” with “It’s not a priority.” Instead of saying, “I don’t exercise because I don’t have time,” try saying, “I don’t exercise because it’s not a priority.” So, “I eat at fast food joints because I don’t have time to cook healthy meals,” becomes, “I eat at fast food joints because cooking healthy meals isn’t a priority.”
Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?
Are you using the “I-don’t-have-time-right-now-excuse” to postpone signing up for the Whole Life Challenge? Listen, I know your clients’ health and well-being is important to you. (You wouldn’t be a CrossFit affiliate if you were in it for the money.)
It will take you five minutes to register to become a Whole Life Challenge affiliate. You’ll spend another ten minutes (maximum) recruiting your team members by sending just one email—which we’ve already written for you, by the way. And when you spend these ten minutes recruiting those ten members, you’ll make your registration fee back and then some in commissions.
Way, way, way more important than the revenue is that you will pioneer something in your community that might just change lives—forever. One of the owners of Deuce Gym in Venice, California, told me his 62-year-old mom, who previously wasn’t exactly a pillar of health and fitness, is now badgering him to join the Challenge every time we offer it. Her life has transformed because of the Challenge, which means her son can breath a big sigh of relief in knowing his aging mother is finally taking care of herself.
You’ve seen it before—clients whose lives do a complete 180. You can’t put a price tag on that feeling of knowing you’ve made a difference.
So if you are sitting this one out because you “don’t have time”…when will it be the right time?
I have some friends—a married couple—who kept waiting for the “right time” before they had children. First they were 30, then 31. And now they are 46, and their “tomorrows” and “later-ons” are a thing of the past.
Today. Today is the right time.
Today is the day that you decide to prioritize your clients’ whole lives.