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105: Eric Remensperger — Curing Cancer, Saving Yourself

By August 5, 2017Podcasts
Reading Time: 106 minutes
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“There is this misconception that we have that we can kick the can down the road in anything in our life that we’re not happy with. We can just wait ‘til tomorrow…these tomorrows may never come.” — Eric Remensperger

105: Eric Remensperger — Curing Cancer, Saving YourselfWe each have moments in our lives that forever shift our trajectory. Sometimes they are clearly positive — graduating from college or meeting our future spouse, for example. Other times, the positive side is hard to see, such as being diagnosed with a life-threatening condition.

For Eric Remensperger, stage four prostate cancer was both life-shattering and an undeniable call to purpose, a call which he now devotes himself to answering.

Once a hard-drinking, hard-living New York City attorney, Eric knew that he couldn’t maintain that lifestyle and expect to live a long, healthy life. He started down the wellness road in the ’90s, making big changes in long-term habits to improve his well-being.

105: Eric Remensperger — Curing Cancer, Saving YourselfHe quit smoking entirely, moved to Los Angeles, and began seeking out alternative medicine healers, acupuncturists, and functional doctors who focused on wellness (rather than sickness). By 2010, his life looked radically different – he had become a person obviously committed to his own health and well-being.

Imagine his surprise when in 2016, after twenty years of “clean living,” he found himself in a doctor’s office getting the news that his body was riddled with cancer. Through a treatment program of his own design and implementation, with diet as a key component and without the use of radiation or chemo, Eric’s cancer is now in remission.

You don’t need to be fighting cancer to learn from Eric — if you are someone who hopes to live long and prosper, or you just enjoy being inspired, be sure to tune in for this episode of the Whole Life Challenge podcast!

Episode Bullets:

  • What was the first indication that you had cancer?—12:50
  • What does “stage four” cancer mean?—17:01
  • Why me? I’ve been doing everything right!—17:35
  • How did you develop your successful cancer treatment protocol?—18:50
  • How did you choose the sources you used for information on treatment?—19:57
  • Is cancer a metabolic disease or the result of a defect in DNA?—22:20
  • What is Otto Warburg’s theory of cancer?—24:40
  • What is qi (“chi”)? How does it relate to cancer?—27:16
  • What did you think when you were diagnosed with cancer?—28:25
  • What are the three pillars of the treatment protocol you used?—35:06
  • Were there early signs you had cancer that you dismissed?—36:35
  • What do you mean by “cancering?”—37:05
  • Tell us more about your prostate cancer treatment protocol.—42:35
  • Why did your treatment include hyperbaric chamber sessions?—48:50
  • What do you feel is the most important dietary consideration for treating cancer?—56:04
  • How is deuterium related to cancer?—57:00
  • What is the most powerful healing element you know?—1:03:46
  • What is your biggest challenge in recovering from cancer?—1:04:30
  • Let’s revisit the three pillars.—1:05:30
  • Why do you ground your body?—1:07:02
  • Tell us your thoughts on light sources, blue light, and light quality.—1:13:03
  • Why do you use Himalayan salt instead of table salt?—1:16:44
  • What methods do you use to oxygenate your system?—1:20:48
  • Which Western approach did you use in your cancer treatment protocol?—1:27:50
  • Why eliminate testosterone during prostate cancer treatment?—1:35:10
  • What daily behaviors do you feel are essential to your health?—1:36:56
  • Tell us about your four- to five-day fasts.—1:49:12
  • Do you use any quantified-self devices to track your physiological functions?—1:50:43


Andy Petranek Whole Life Challenge

P.S. If you only have five minutes, listen at 33:00 when Eric describes how his perspective radically shifted (for the better!) when he was diagnosed.

BIG THANKS to Eric Remensperger! If you enjoyed this podcast, click here to thank him on Twitter.

Episode Resources: (Eric’s website)
Otto Heinrich Warburg
Dom D’Agostino
Tripping Over the Truth: The Metabolic Theory of Cancer
Wilhelm Reich
Nocebo Effect
Water Fast
Master Cleanse
Allopathic Medicine
Ozone Therapy
Dr. Jack Kruse
Deuterium Depletion
Doctor Q
Vitamin C Therapy


Click Here to Read the Full Transcript

Eric Remensperger – Whole Life Challenge Podcast Transcript

[00:00:00] Who Monday morning coming off of a credible incredible weekend of doing something I haven’t done in ages. I went surfing. It’s kind of a funny story. We’re we we just planted a steak on July 30th as a celebration day for my wife’s birthday and I said hey hey why don’t you go up into Malibu why don’t we go north and go to. And that’s not called the real and it’s called Malibu seafood and you know just make a day of it. We hardly ever do that. And she said it sounded like a great idea and will that day suddenly suddenly came I’m sure you guys can relate. And so yesterday morning at about 9:15 I was like God you know I should really take a surfboard with me and I haven’t really old surfboard. It’s been really like 10 years since I’ve served and I really want to be a foam top because my son is 10. And so guess what I did. Hopped in the car. Hotfooted it to Costco picked up a foam topped board put in the fins got it on the car. So dazzle what it is and got home just in time to pick my wife up and head to the beach and the beach Malibu is not not a short drive for us it takes about an hour to get up to the northern end of Malibu and it just so happened there’s a swell. And it was perfect perfect day perfect conditions for surfing not so great for my son because it was pretty rough. But God what it was just amazing.

[00:01:41] It really speaks for me of if you keep your body moving. You don’t have to do the thing that you don’t have to do the sport in order to stay fluent or fluent enough anyway I mean I certainly was in no by no stretch of the imagination good but I was able to catch waves and I was able to get up and stand up and serve in. And the new board worked great and it was just just a fantastic day so that was my weekend and I’m recovering from that today.

[00:02:12] I actually feel great.

[00:02:17] I want to tell you just a couple of things about this episode.

[00:02:21] Eric remans burger is my guest now. You definitely have not heard that name before. I had barely heard that name before until about a year ago when I met him at a paleo ethics conference and there was never really no nothing from the health and fitness point of view. Nothing memorable about Eric except for the fact that he was looking to get into the business of the health and fitness business he was a lawyer. And you know it’s interesting and he’s a really fun guy to hang out with.

[00:02:46] Well his life took a literal U-Turn the day he got back the day he was leaving from that conference.

[00:02:55] He was diagnosed with cancer and stage 4 prostate cancer and his year has been about raising the bar in his wellness and his well-being so that he could battle his cancer holistically and really I mean whether you had it know someone that has it know about it where I mean look we’re all I can’t really think of a person that’s not impacted in some way shape or form by cancer.

[00:03:32] So his story is unbelievably compelling and he’s a he’s a real wealth of information about this disease and it’s going to be a long podcast. But before we get into that I wanted to remind you you know this this podcast is only I’m only capable of doing this podcast because of the whole life challenge so I guess the podcast is brought to you today by the whole challenge. How’s that. You know we don’t have any ads right now in the podcast and we’d like to know. I don’t know if we’d like to keep that we are not. We’ll we’ll see how it goes. It’s kind of fun that we don’t have any as we’re very unique in that in that way. But the next we do stay in business because of the fact that we have people regularly coming back to play the whole life challenge. Now the next challenge begins. These are events that happen three times a year. The next event begins on September 16th. Mark your calendar. It’s about 40. I don’t know 45 days 47 days away. I only say that now. The last thing you really want to do right now is to register for the whole live challenge coming up in September because you’re thinking about summer and having a good time and going to barbecues and hanging out the pool in the lake.

[00:04:46] And yeah I feel the same way. I’m not registering for the whole challenge now but you’ll get a discount if you register now. If you haven’t played before it’s 39 bucks. If you have played before. It’s 29 bucks and early registration ends Labor Day. So if you know you’re going to do it anyway. Sign up now if you’re thinking about it. You know then obviously wait. It’s funny no matter how much we promote the end of early registration the vast majority of sign ups for the whole air challenge happened within two days of the challenge starting. So that’s the promotion and.

[00:05:32] Let’s get going.

[00:05:49] Hey everyone I’m patriotic and this is the whole life challenge podcast. It’s the place we talk to exceptional people about the things that make them tick. Exploring their life’s successes lessons learned daily habits and secrets that help them to get where they are and how they stay on top of their game. Today’s guest on the podcast is Eric remans burger. He’s not a household name.

[00:06:14] He may be a household name in future. He is a cancer survivor and he has an amazing story that is taking place. It’s really transpired over the past 14 months and it really continues to this day. He he was diagnosed with stage four prostate cancer about a year ago May and he turned his life upside down. It turned him upside down. First of all he was a practicing lawyer. He fortunately had partners who were willing to give him the time that he needed to fight this thing. And he he took the approach of before I decide to do anything whether it’s chemo whether it’s traditional Eastern you know fighting this disease or it’s taking a Western approach. Wait a second. I said that backwards. Whether it’s a Western approach a modern Western approach using chemotherapy and radiation or Eastern he’s like me learn more and he spent 21 days reading about 14 books about cancer and formulating his own opinion about what where what he thought is the disease is and what he thought would be the most effective tools for fighting the disease. And he basically wrote his own protocol. I mean he started making decisions about it.

[00:07:38] He started deciding what versions of cancer treatment because there are quite a lot that he that that resonate with him and he went down that road and he is in complete remission. His PSA levels are down. I think recently they went up because he went back on testosterone because he did use a combination of eastern and western practices. But he’s going to talk about all the practices he used this is about a two hour podcast and it’s worth every moment just from the standpoint of learning about this disease and because it affects all of us whether you know someone you have known someone you probably will know someone that has cancer.

[00:08:27] And it’s not unique to prostate cancer although his protocol was unique to him for specifically for prostate cancer. I don’t know how it would adjust for a different type of cancer. But this is you know his approach and his CCRI creating his own protocol for battling this thing is I really can’t emphasize how important that is enough.

[00:08:54] It’s easy to place your hands.

[00:08:58] You know you get cancer. Great. I’m just going to let my doctor do what doctors do which is say OK chemo radiation. Here’s the standard protocol. I won’t say it’s easy. Good grief. None of it’s easy. But who are you and what do you believe and what do you believe will cure your cancer. And you know look Eric in no way shape or form takes credit for this being the way to go or says this is you know this is the miraculous cure to cancer.

[00:09:30] It’s the route he chose.

[00:09:34] There are other people who have had amazing recoveries from cancer using all Western medication and medicine medicines and practices and super effective. You know for those people it resonated with their their innards their upbringing their what their their beliefs. So this is just a really amazing story. And I keep saying the same thing. Mazing story. Check it out. Well what the heck. Let me check it out. Get in here and listen I’m going to bring him in right now.

[00:10:09] Here’s Eric remans burger.

[00:10:16] Welcome to the podcast. Well thank you for having me on. It’s my pleasure to have met you. Actually we met at peak grade in May. Now we met at PALEA facts last year. Six thousand sixty.

[00:10:28] And then I ran and we met at the cars we went to the day before. Right. Affects the health and Turnour health entrepreneurs.

[00:10:36] And we met there and then we both bumped into Todd Smith. I cannot wait. Todd White Todd white. Yeah I did I mean Todd wasn’t there. I think I did. I think I met Todd right there because I was sampling y that night he was pouring wine. It’s possible I met him before that.

[00:10:53] I don’t remember the sequence of events. And then you know just chains of events and then seeing you again this year it was really great to reconnect. And

[00:11:01] like when he told me your story the dramatic story of the things that happened between PALEA attacks last year and this year. Correct. Which was unbelievable. And like that’s why that’s why I had to have you on. I mean it’s just like captivating.

[00:11:16] Yeah. You’ve got to be careful in life what you wish for because it just it all kind of. We talked about this over dinner just this last most recent Paley facts but you know I had been I had a passion for wellness kind of in the broadest sense of the word for a long time. I think my soft spot was more on the nutritional side than the physical movement exercise side.

[00:11:39] But I really it was kind of a holistic approach to things and I didn’t you know for years and years and years I thought how can I really make move into that space and really make a difference because what I was doing was fine as a lawyer and I’m still a lawyer now still practicing but I didn’t feel like I had enough of a story to tell.

[00:12:00] You do now.

[00:12:02] So I sat for what you wish for because because you’ll get a good story and I didn’t know what I was in for.

[00:12:08] You know like you just were another health and fitness nut who was at PELLICCIA facts learning new stuff the year before. Right. That’s right. As a lawyer you know I know you and I remember we talked a little bit about how do we you were looking for ways potentially to kind of move into this direction. I know what you’re going to do and then when I saw you the year after there was no physical evidence of anything different. And you know when we sat at dinner and you started to have started revealing his story like what.

[00:12:37] Yeah. You know when I signed up for the event on Thursday in 2016 one of my goals was to see if I could somehow distill out of that experience something that would let me point to anything in that space and say OK that’s going to be my my angle. You know that’s that’s the way I want to go with this. Yeah. And it was just to kind of bring your listeners up to speed. It was actually towards the end of that same weekend at a party that Todd White was throwing at some of the podcasters that were down able James and then green fields and folks like that were there and you know it was kind of at the end of that weekend on Sunday and Sunday morning or Monday morning I started having difficulty urinating and I had spasms in my bladder and I thought it was because I had overstimulated my bladder. There was an electro stem device on the exhibition hall floor. Right. And I was showing off and I had to put him on my lower abs and just crank that sucker up as high as it would go.

[00:13:33] I remember standing there thinking this is really stupid because this is really painful and I could be screwing things up badly. I have to stand there and act like it doesn’t hurt.

[00:13:42] Well that’s what you do at those conventions. That’s what I did with the show. What is it that you want to see you know getting on that thing. I mean I went crazy for 20 minutes. But yeah I know. Yeah.

[00:13:54] So I thought OK I just must have messed up the nerves and my bladder somehow and it’ll clear up. And you know I had seen the doctor in probably 12 years. I moved to Santa Monica. Actually 10 years I moved to Santa Monica in 2007 and the last doctor I saw was down in Manhattan Beach where I live before that there’s probably a couple of years before he moved that I saw him. So I decided to go see a doctor and I had a PSA level checked and a bunch of other tests done. The first doctor I saw was not a urologist. My PSA level was twenty one point one which is as you may know or may not know is very high. Right.

[00:14:27] Normal is below 1.

[00:14:28] Yeah you like to be below 1 but I don’t think you necessarily need to worry even if you’re three or four or five depending on you know there’s other causes that would raise your PSA level that are not the result of a cancer condition anyway so I ran through all these battery of tests and I was still you know of course it was a bit of a slap upside the head because you know the fact that I was even having issues was was kind of you know caught me off guard. Yes. But I assume that what I had was benign prostate hyperplasia which is benign. Obviously this in the name it wasn’t cancer but my urologist thought you know you really really got to be careful of your hyperplasia means just swollen pillows to enlarge right. Yeah. It’s very enlarged for a no no reason. Well it’s it’s it’s a I think it’s a serious inflammation of the prostate and they can’t. Most of what I discovered in medicine since I’ve gone down this rabbit hole and we can talk about it because I’ve gotten pretty deep down this rabbit hole most of it is really just coming up with names for things that they may or may not understand. And once they attach a name to it they assume that it has some sort of mixture of fixed fixed fixedness which it doesn’t. Yeah because everyone’s different and you know no two cancers are the same. Right. Even the same type of cancer like two different breast cancers or two for prostate cancers don’t have the same DNA structure or sequence.

[00:15:52] So I’m not sure you can necessarily point to things but it’s kind of just viewed as the name they attach to a swollen prostate with this noncancerous. Got it.

[00:16:01] OK benign swollen cants swollen prostate syndrome.

[00:16:05] Exactly. Exactly.

[00:16:07] And you know some of the impact it has on your functioning of the prostate is the same whether it’s cancer or I just want anyway so I ran through a bunch of tests including a CAT scan and C.T. scan and MRI a bone scan and a biopsy. And for those who’ve never had a biopsy. I bless you. And you know what if a biopsy. They can’t use any you know numbing agents or anything it’s really is day for any kind of biopsy or no prostate because because yeah I would just explain how it’s done but you know all your listeners would turn them.

[00:16:40] OK. All right.

[00:16:41] So I just prefer to say they checked 12 spots they shoot a needle into your prostate through your colon and they check 12 different locations within the prostate. And they have it all mapped out. Unlike a little grid. And that’s kind of the ultimate determine or yeah that’s the ultimate determination of kind of whether or not what you have is cancerous. But I think the indicators were kind of there because I had I had swelling outside the prostate had swollen lymph nodes and the bone scan showed that there was some evidence of cancer within the bones tumor in the pelvic region. So when the biopsy came in it came in at Gleason score nine. Positive cancer on all 12 tests so I had stage four cancer stage for just me just outside of the organ itself. And

[00:17:28] and of course I just felt like I had been hit with a ton of bricks right. I just my whole world came to a complete standstill and I question what am I doing. I’ve been spending because 20 years prior to that. Your listeners may not know this but we talked about that when we met.

[00:17:43] I did a pretty deep dive starting in 1997 into kind of health and wellness. I mean I was eating nothing but organic nothing but I wasn’t eating a lot of meat in them.

[00:17:55] Only meat I would eat was you know wild fish and grass fed beef and my Springwater had to come in a glass bottle and you know I was sleeping well and I was meditating I was doing all these things checking all the bugs you would think that would keep you healthy. And so how could I have cancer. Right. How could that possibly be. Right. And it makes you think what was I doing all these things just for no reason at all was it just kind of silly. Is this just you know chasing your tail and really doesn’t matter what you eat you’re going to get sick kind of thing. And when it came out of that funk I decided you know I’m just going to jump in with both feet. I had been spending all my free time. My passion was wellness I was spending all my free time kind of studying things related to wellness whether it’s a book on meditation or a book on nutrition. LYDEN And personal stuff because I really like food. I like making food I like eating food and I like coming up with creative ways of doing it. They’re healthy. I just think it’s fun. And so I decided OK now I’m really going to do a deep dive.

[00:18:49] But before I decide what protocols I would adopt to address the cancer I really had to understand the cause of cancer and that probably was. Generally yes. And that’s something that I think a lot of there’s a lot of disagreement on that. In the medical space but it seems to me if you can focus on the patterns that develop when you paying attention to anything and this is true not just with nutrition or stay in cancer but anything in life when you have a ton of information to amass which you have to do is you have to digest that information and let it sift and ultimately you’ll start seeing patterns. Ultimately you’ll start seeing differences ultimate you’ll start seeing distinctions and that kind of helps you point you in some direction. And I’m not saying I’m right everyone else is wrong. I’m just saying it gave me some direction.

[00:19:38] Well you also don’t have any vested interest in being right. You’re not a doctor you’re not a researcher. You don’t make a living off of being right.

[00:19:47] No. That was my life. Right. So it was just the end.

[00:19:51] And plus one right one one and a plan. And it’s interesting because what I discovered is. Within the scientific community that studying cancer there really are two disparate schools of thought. This is leaving aside all. When I hear the word quackery because a lot of everything is quackery at some level or another. But you know some people say oh cancer is caused by fungus.

[00:20:16] How did you decide. Because you told me when we talked before the you spent about three weeks in the most kind of intensive research mode that you’d ever been in before.

[00:20:25] Right. Twenty books 30 books. I read 14 books in 21 days.

[00:20:29] How did you decide which 14 books there are books on cancer there were way more than 40 minutes ago. That’s a good that’s a really good question. Some of the books found me. Right. I just like to spend much time on Amazon and just when I listen to a podcast I new york i love podcast.

[00:20:47] Right that’s what I do because I’m a fanatic about this stuff. As I go through my feed these morning decide which ones are worth listening to because there’s a bunch in there and while I’m walking the dog doing the dishes or whatever. You know I’m listening to a podcast and so I had already been exposed to some other folks like Travis Christoffersen who was tripping over the truth which I recommend to anybody his podcast or you know his book he’s on he’s been on podcast and his podcasts are great he’s great but his book is I think bar none the best book out there and just kind of understanding the history that overlays kind of where we are today in terms of cancer in terms of cancer in medicine. Got it in how to address cancer. Excuse me. So that’s that was very helpful. I think you know once you once you go down a certain path and all sorts of doors open up for you. But I discovered that OK there were a lot of books out there that I stumbled upon that were written by oncologists for example that talk about the benefits of chemotherapy and how great chemotherapy is and that sort of thing. And I have to tell you it may just be my my disposition.

[00:21:52] But when I read those I just immediately just can’t because I just think that this person has clearly has bought into something that they really understand very very well that little tiny tiny sliver of reality. But I need a broader and broader perspective. Yeah right. Oh as a footnote I interviewed about 12 different doctors in deciding kind of the team that I was going to be working with and tell their doctors that specialize in cancer. Never even heard of this book. Right. And I Christofferson Yeah I can kind of understand that because you know if they’re if they’re also doing is oncology why would they care about some guy who’s going to talk about cancer is a metabolic disease. Right which we’re going to touch on shortly. That’s kind of that’s kind of the big distinction within the cancer space. Is is is the cancer the result of a defect in the DNA. And that’s what leads to dysfunctional mitochondria. Or is cancer a metabolic disease and the defective mitochondrial impact on the mitochondria creates the defect in the DNA. No one can quite answer that it’s kind of a chicken and egg question. But if you think if you look past the titles that are given to things by scientists and you just look at the context of things again because I’m an attorney that’s we’re trained to do it in context. And we’re also trained to look at and try to understand when when someone has a vested interest in an outcome. Right because they might they may not even be aware of how that colors their opinion. Right.

[00:23:22] You know you heard the saying that says the hardest thing to do is convince a man that something against his that something’s wrong in his life. His livelihood depends upon it or something. There’s a there’s a saying that goes along those lines where people are not even aware of the biases that are kind of subconscious or innate. So we look at those two things you can kind of see well wait a second. I think Otto Warburg was right. Cancer is definitely not caused by the DNA. And this too I would if I were in front of a judge I would say your honor I have two big pieces of evidence here. Right. The first is cancer cells can be created by low oxygen environments. You can take a healthy cell and you can cause it to revert to it’s kind of prehistoric metabolism which is burning sugar versus oxygen. Right. It’s not responding properly. It’s now fermenting. That’s that’s evidence number one. OK. Because Wartburg said cancer is a metabolic disease it’s caused by a respiratory issue. That’s proof. The second is we spent the last 20 or 30 years chasing the DNA tail and can’t find it. It just doesn’t exist right. We spend trillions of dollars trying to figure out if we can come up with a magic bullet and just point to something in the genetic sequencing that we could attack or change in order to address cancer.

[00:24:35] So once I had adopted the perspective that I was going to follow Warburg theory Otto Warburg wrote that he was he was he was he wrote he was a Nobel Prize winner I think it was in 1928 I could have that wrong. It was 1928. He was a Nobel laureate. And his whole theory was was cancer. Awk awk all forms of cancer. Now there’s several different types of cancer. Right. There’s you know blood cancer is very different than solide tumor cancer. That’s right. But he said all cancers are caused by a defect in the respiration at the cellular level. OK the cells are no longer able to go through the normal metabolic process the to create energy creating energy through using oxygen burning of oxygen. OK. And it’s dead what the cells are doing is they’re burning sugar without any in them in the absence of oxygen even in the presence of oxygen they won’t burn oxygen. OK. This is the way life forms existed before oxygen was on the planet. It’s imitation right. I wanted to tell you exactly. Exactly. Sauerkraut pickles. Pickles.

[00:25:40] We love our sauerkraut that are so wide.

[00:25:43] Yeah yeah. So once I kind psychotic came to that conclusion then of course I had to dig a little deeper and say well what causes the defect in the respiration. How does that come about. What does that come about. Because that you know there’s this part of the question but it doesn’t really get to the root cause of the question.

[00:26:00] And boy I could probably spend way more time and then your audience won’t want to on kind of the energetic components to cancer because in my view and my first foray if you will into wellness was through traditional chinese medicine I was the investor in a wholeness wellness center holistic center.

[00:26:19] This is 1997 this is. This is my transition from my old lifestyle VLA which is two packs a day. Work hard play hard drink hard. In New York in New York. Workaholic. That was me. Things stay up until 4:00 a.m.. There you go. That’s coming up if you’re going to bed kind of thing.

[00:26:38] If you go to bed. And until I think it was probably I quit smoking 92 move telling you 95 and open the center 97 but I had some chronic health conditions that western medicine couldn’t address. And I. And I got exposed to traditional medicine. There are very very talented doctor and he and I open the wellness center in Montrose together. He was the brains. I was an investor and it was open for about four years and it was we did great things there. But that’s what got me started.

[00:27:05] So I had a lot of traditional chinese medicine stuff kind of imprinted into my brain to working with him and his his talent. And so I was I was aware of this whole idea of gee it’s for those of you who not familiar with CI it’s spelled Q.. But it’s pronounced cheat like VHI And that’s kind of the underlying framework of all Chinese medicine is that there’s this life energy flowing in it has to keep it has to keep in its proper balance. It has to get its proper movement in order for there to be health and if theres any disruption of that it can cause disease. Right. Stagnation is going to leave index. It could be and it could be too much energy not enough energy or just stagnation which you have. Its like a garden hose and kink it and one side got too much and the other side does them enough etc.. Right.

[00:27:53] And so I thought about what the side of a pond you know one side gets a flow and the other side and thats a perfect analogy.

[00:28:00] You can imagine all of life. Algae growing on it and mosquitoes and the other side is flowing. Yeah exactly. Exactly what does the water look like on the other side versus the sideward stag that you could see the difference looks once from sheer size. Well it isn’t a fungus and yet you know little bugs but bubbly things are growing on the surface you dont want to jump in either but certainly not going to do it. It’s not going to do it. So anyway so I was looking at this whole energetic element to kind of OK how did I end up with cancer.

[00:28:30] I was this healthy guy and its easy for me to come up with this theory and this is of course just my theory because the prostate is the root chakra. So people know the seven chakras and the root chakra is the source of procreative and proto creative energy procreative obviously being sexual energy right procreation right. That’s obvious and productivity’s is the same exact energy but it’s to get out in the world and do things create things build things right. That’s proto creative energy. And those are two areas of my life where I could point to in a period of like four years where I was just completely shut down in both areas for all sorts of reasons. And so it made sense to me trying to build my platform to decide kind of what my protocols would be to say OK I think this makes perfect sense. Let’s see how we can turn this around. Right. I also read a whole bunch of works by a guy named Wilhelm Reich. He also looked very much at kind of the source of life this. And he found it in all of nature. It’s in our bodies. It’s in everything it’s in the atmosphere it’s in water. And he called it Oregon energy. O r g o and E which comes from the word orgasm which he got in a lot of trouble. But in his theory and the reason why he used the orgasm because the orgasm is a good kind of archetype of what life is all about which is which is this ebb and flow. It’s this redux.

[00:30:03] It’s this movement right it’s building tension and releasing tension that’s what life is all about. And he said single single selves do it every every living creature does it right. So that was the organ the energy. And then he discovered these these things you can actually look at it under a microscope you call them biomes B I O and S and there were two of them he found there was a P-A by ions which are the Oregon energy that’s the life force. And in a healthy human being there’s sufficient balance of that in the autonomic nervous system as is pulsating and that’s the reason why I use the autonomic nervous is because cause your heart pulsates your lungs both say you parrot your intestines the peristalsis all the stuff that you’re moving up up. But I think he use the autonomic nervous system because he said a person who has cancer in an advanced state they’re only contracting they’re never expanding. He found that I don’t know how he measured it. Be hard for me to explain it but he said that you know the healthy person it’s not static so you’re going back to this whole idea of stagnation actually. Anyway so what these are telling.

[00:31:06] Well can I ask you a question. Sure. So when you talk about you know the question about why Mike why this is unbelievably healthy guy who is taking all these steps and I mean I have a couple of questions.

[00:31:18] I mean I can’t imagine the emotional distress that that put on you in the moment in the time before you decided to be proactive about this it was like they wanted to just want to give up. Like come on. I know.

[00:31:31] Yeah it was. It was crazy. It was. I mean I didn’t know how to explain it other than you know imagine like a ton of bricks just landing on your head and just your whole world just comes completely crashing down everything everything you had built up all these little castles you had built around yourself. Yeah we’re all gone at once. But I tell you there’s a there’s a flip side to that. We were just discussing that before you pressed record and that is when you get over the poor me aspect of this and I can’t and I really am speaking only for myself and there’s a lot of people and my heart goes out to them are suffering from cancer who haven’t reached this kind of perspective. I mean I start crying because it really moves me when I talk about this stuff. But once you recognize your mortality like I did I mean the doctor said Look you got extremely aggressive cancer your prostate is basically screwed. Right. Whereas I can using your show but it was not good. OK. It was it was literally almost three times as two and a half to three times its normal size. You know my lymph nodes were all swollen just outside it wouldn’t even do surgery.

[00:32:35] I said you’re too far gone for surgery but we will they put me in I did do some traditional treatment androgen deprivation testosterone blocking drug Lupron which we can talk a little bit about. But you know chemotherapy and radiation were also suggested of course chemotherapy by an oncologist radiation.

[00:32:55] I just wanted to talk to. But yeah I just thought this is. Going what am I going to do. This is crazy. And I really thought. You know there’s this misconception that we have that we can kick the can down the road in anything in our life that we’re not happy with. We can just wait till tomorrow to deal with that dysfunctional relationship. We can wait till tomorrow to deal with that challenge. Boss at work we can wait till tomorrow to find a better job. We and these tomorrows just never come back. And so we live our whole life kind of day to day thinking that there’s always going to be an opportunity to really kind of do what we know is right. Deep down inside but don’t. So when you’ve actually gotten diagnosed with something as severe as I was diagnosed with that stuff just falls apart it just falls away right. Right. And all of a sudden you just look in all your priorities just line up like a bunch of bowling.

[00:33:52] I mean it’s there’s no chance of me disagreeing with that. First of all because I’ve never had happened in the right but I’ve heard that from almost identical words. Right.

[00:34:03] From what you said by anyone I’ve ever spoken with about having a experience like what you’ve had. I wish I could just turn that on.

[00:34:13] I wish I could bottle so I could practice law. I want that today because I. Had you wake up.

[00:34:21] I literally wake up every morning just like I’m so happy I have another. I mean look we live in paradise right. Here we are. Right. Right. And it’s just perspective it’s like gratitude is just freakin perspective right. That’s all that’s different nothing’s different. Physically nothing’s different things different. Right right. And so but then I and then I had and I was blessed with the opportunity then to take my ideas and all the therapies that I had because then I’d research all the different therapies that are available and that’s pretty easy to find there. Lots

[00:34:51] of books out there that kind of where they go out and interview all these different clinics and talk to different holistic doc. You know Doc you know integrative doctors and regular doctors about what the options are and that sort of thing. Of course it’s all over the map. It’s all over the map. But when you have the guidepost of OK it’s a metabolic disease. Oxygen is obviously important for the function of the body. Hydration is really important for the I would say if there are two things that I think are most prevalent in all the protocols that are used to address the condition they are cellular respiration.

[00:35:28] Actually there’s three because I have to count a tough G or cleaning out the system right detoxification falls into the same bucket. And then cellular communication because ultimately cancer cells are just cells that are in your body now your body is producing cancer cells everyone’s body’s producing cancer cells but your immune system is reacting and addressing them in a fashion where it doesn’t become a disease state.

[00:35:50] And from what you’re see if this is right from what I hear you saying cancer cells are simply cells that are able to create energy using fermentation.

[00:35:59] Basically yes their mitochondria are no longer working properly. They’re no longer doing what mitochondria does and it’s well functioning immune system just zaps them on like a bug zapper will sift them out and say Oh you’re not going through your normal role you’re supposed to at this point kill yourself a pop this is not happening right so will take care of it for you. OK. OK.

[00:36:21] The problem that we have as a cancer patient speaking for myself with other cancer patients have is that by the time you’ve been diagnosed with the disease it’s really the symptom that’s been going on for a long time. This condition that I had was not a year old.

[00:36:35] Do you think that there were symptoms that you might have noticed had you been more had you been thinking you were you were capable of getting cancer.

[00:36:47] Like are these things that were.

[00:36:48] Yes I could have had my PSA level checked which I didn’t. Yeah right it would have been to go to the doctor once a year might have been. Yeah.

[00:36:54] And I had a test and they could see it was going way up. So let me go see Iraq by the way I’m laughing because that’s what you’re talking about me also. I’ve got to go to a doctor like once every three or four years right and think the same exact thing. And I’m like I’m really I get a little nervous. Let me throw a curveball if I can.

[00:37:10] This is going to be a curveball and it kind of stems from my my understanding of the science that says everybody’s bodies produce cancer cells all the time which no doctor can argue with. No scientist can argue with that just plain and simple fact. OK. The difference between a cancer patient and some who is not diagnosed with cancer is your body’s addressing the disease or that condition well enough. This is why I like to use the word cancer ring as a verb. And that cancer is a noun because in my view your body is either cancer which means it’s progressing into the cancer state where it’s healing which means is progressing away from that condition. But we all have it. We all have. So what you want to do if your cancer being ok is you want to push your body back to healing. And so you’ve got to figure out how to do that. And there’s several different ways you can do that to kind of move the needle. Right. You have to deal with the energetic cause if you think if you if there is an energetic cause I would believe there was. But you also have to deal with everything else you can do to kind of move move the needle back to the healing state. OK. But to get back to your question about kind of testing for PSA there’s this whole idea of the nocebo effect and the cancer specialist will then see the effects the opposite of placebo effect which says that if you believe you’re going to get sick guess what.

[00:38:25] If you honestly believe you’re going to get a rash if somebody rubs a leaf from my one of my bamboo trees on your arm and says it’s poison ivy and you really really believe it you’ll notice little bumps start to form in your arm. Right right. That’s the nocebo effect. Well I think the same thing in hand can happen with something as severe as cancer with somebody tells you look you’re going to get cancer and you really honestly buy into it believe it then they’re probably right. Right. And so that coupled with the fact that modern medicine will necessarily push you as quickly as they can into their version of therapy which means cut slash and you know we’re going to we’re going to operate on you we’re going to we’re going to take some chemotherapy and just completely napalm your entire body. Yeah. Right. Or we’re going to use radiation which is also by the way something that causes cancer. We know that everybody. Right. Right. But these are these are. That’s why you put on the lead vest right. Right. Right. Exactly. Exactly. Now I don’t mean to throw stones an oncologist or a radiologist I know these people are doing good things and they’re trying to help their patients. But you know they’re basing it on the premise that this kind of late stage symptom of the disease can somehow just be destroyed without getting to what caused it in the first place. Right. And that’s tradition of all allopathic medicine. Right. They’re really good at acute conditions chronic stuff they really don’t even focus on. Right. Right. They don’t get to the causes.

[00:39:45] And so all of the stuff that I did I said let me just see if I can get to the cause first before I go down the road of just trying to address it in a very toxic way.

[00:39:54] When you said the Curveball was that the was that what you talked about about.

[00:39:58] Well the curveball is that yeah if you let’s say your PSA levels going up and the doctor is OK now we’ve got to do a biopsy right now. I get it. So you start to believe yeah it’s hard to believe. I mean I would venture to guess and this is just my opinion I can’t have no basis that I can point to any studies that say that. But I would venture to guess if you took any person who lived to be say 85 years old and live a long normal happy healthy life and they pass away if you did a thorough autopsy you’d find cancer somewhere in their body. Right. Because it’s normal. Right. And you know I mean your body is part of the it’s part of the body’s functioning as the cells and it almost ties in capsule ate them and keep them one place and that sort of thing. Right. There’s all sorts of things your body does. So you know if you have a test that says your PSA level is creeping up you better be cautious. You might under the nose Ciba effect think oh my god I have prostate cancer and I can’t believe it. And then before you know it you’re getting chemotherapy or getting you know I’ve you know there’s just too much information cannot be you can be a not a good thing.

[00:40:56] Right. It’s like it’s like getting too many scans finding out too many things that are possibly wrong with you. Right. Right. It doesn’t necessarily lead to a happier life. Right it doesn’t necessarily lead to a healthier life.

[00:41:08] That’s right. That’s right. And I think the best example of this and are probably mammograms right.

[00:41:15] Right because if you have a mammogram every year there are studies that show they can cause cancer. So even if you don’t have cancer if you have a mammogram every year how do you know that taking a breast is squishy between these two plays and then rubby putting radiation into it every year.

[00:41:28] Is it going to somehow trigger a dysfunctional mitochondria somewhere in there that’s going to start to replicate. Yeah. Right. So yeah that’s that’s why I think it’s a fine line. I don’t think ignoring it’s the right answer. Yeah right. Right.

[00:41:43] And I don’t know if I have the answer as to whether or not you should just but I do think there’s a tendency in my view of there’s obviously everybody else approach it from their own perspective and their own condition. But there’s a tendency to rush into treatment rather than say wait a second I could have had this condition for five years and now all the sudden you know about it because you put me in an MRI you see it. Why don’t I try something else before I just rush into this treatment. Let me try was therapy.

[00:42:11] Let me try I just depending on how far along it is.

[00:42:14] Yeah exactly. Yeah exactly. Or is it pushing on a vein in my case I had to do something because I couldn’t urinate. Right so I had to move right. I couldn’t just say let me wait two years before I could say you’re. Right. Right. It was very very uncomfortable.

[00:42:28] So OK. So we kind of interrupted the flow of your discoveries and your realization really. No no not really but you know I want to get back to the story because you know like so you had you were deciding on your treatment protocol. Right. And kind of what you were going to try.

[00:42:44] Right. And what what.

[00:42:47] OK well let’s let’s take each step because there’s a kind of it’s still a work in progress.

[00:42:52] And honestly it’ll be for the rest of my life it’ll be a work in progress which I’m perfectly happy with because I had the same my whole nutritional analysis before I got sick was the same thing I always learn new things always adapt to things always try new things. The first thing I did which I actually interestingly enough did quite by accident was an eight day water fast. I read a book which I don’t recommend but it talks about doing the master cleanse yourself a lot of my lot of people I know I’ve done them that’s OK. And I thought OK I’m going to do a 10 day version of the master cleanse because I really want to hit this thing on time and then and the lemon maple syrup syrup you are right. And I swear I did. I don’t really think I did a full day’s dose and I went into sugar shock because I was already in ketosis and right so my body just was like whoa this is crazy. Right. So I decided to use me. I decided that I would just do a water fast and so I did an eight day water fast after the day I was kind of my buddies OK was studying.

[00:43:47] And so I started you know after the show you didn’t do that. You did master class for like one day half and half and not even a full day. I bought all the stuff. I literally had all lined up on my counter. I was ready for 10 days worth.

[00:43:58] Right. But I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t do it so I just did the eight of us and I think what that did. It had a couple of things. One is obviously it it allowed my system to clean itself out right. Because you don’t have a tough job if you’re not fasting. Right. And we can talk about what I was doing before they got me sick. Big part of that was I was not fasting at all. Right. But it also raises your level ketones because I was in a very high level ketosis at that time was I needed for eight days. Yes your body can be burning ketones and after ketosis before you started I started dabbling in ketosis. January 1st of the year I got sick 2016. I was six months in of what I would consider a kind of a nutritional ketosis experiment like 30 pounds you were like one had the blood strips but I was kind of cutting all the carbs out all the starch of carbs out. I got the blood strips when I started doing more therapeutic. But my guess is I was over point five Moammar but not near the level of like two and above which is the therapeutic range. Yeah. And the easiest way to stay in the therapeutic range obviously is to you know consume a lot of fat but it’s fast on a regular basis. Every time you fast it really pushes up those numbers. Right. Or to take exhaustion. Or does that not count. Well I think this could work but I just don’t know this enough.

[00:45:09] I want both the benefits of you know FGF hypnosis themselves intracellular inter cellular cleansing because I want to get that whole system to function well going back to one of the premises is you need good oxygen and hydration to function well within the system. And I also want proper cell your communication and so getting all that kind of network while your cells are tied together to work cleanly and effectively as possible is really important to heal yourself. There’s no question in my mind that that’s the case. I mean think about it a cell is no longer doing what it’s supposed to do which is kill itself if it has some sort of defect. Yeah. And also we are are bags of cells. That’s what we are. We’re bags of cells with a bunch of bacteria that have interface with those cells. And so if you have a group of cells that are kind of rogue cells like all terrorist organizations it’s like a pirate ship running like a pirate ship right. You went all the other cells to be able to really understand that and be able to communicate and address that condition. So that’s that’s kind of so fasting I think is really important.

[00:46:13] And I remember you said earlier there were three things you said that were really critically important to your sum them all up into three things. One was detoxification is this part of the deal.

[00:46:23] I put a fajing detoxification kind in the same bucket. So water and and fasting fasting is absolutely crucial and I’ll just quickly touch on at that 2016 event. I met Ben Greenfeld and I showed him what I was putting in my shake every day and he looked at it and he looked at me and he said Are you kidding me. And I said no and I was doing this every single day and it’s a long list and I’m going to put on my web site and see it’s on Ben’s Web site.

[00:46:48] By the way because he said to me he said Do you mind if I do a blog and post this I said Now my guess is that before the podcast you’re good with that about the cancer before he even thought about it. Like I met this lunatic. I did a blog post that said Here here’s my crazy shake.

[00:47:03] And then at the end of this podcast he said you want to see real crazy motherfucker. Check out this guy Eric. I met him.

[00:47:09] And he listed all these little crazies. I mean he’s yes you people would not classify him as a normal dude. No. You know so I was way out there. Yeah him saying that crazy. That’s never good. Yeah so was it just because of the list was so long.

[00:47:24] Well first of all it was completely insane. Everything I actually muscle tested it. I was doing I was starting to be so cool right. I was like You’re so pretty. But I was my thought was if a little of something is good a lot must be really good. Yeah right. Right. Right. And so I was having to shave every day every day. I was flooding my system with massive amounts of nutrients because it’s all kind of you know nutrients vitamins minerals macros and not a lot of macro but Micro’s right. Right. And I’m talking every single day. Right. So my cells never had a chance to breathe out. Right. They’re constantly breathing you know right. And eventually there’s a lot of stuff that accumulates which can create problems. So the first thing I thought about OK let’s let’s let’s adopt a little bit more of a wealth process. Right. Get your nutrients back get them out a pulsing basis go back to this whole idea of ebb and flow of the redux effect. Right. You need you need oxidation. This whole idea of antioxidants to me is silly. Right. It’s become kind of this buzz word to sell product to sell you pills and supplements. Right. But oxidation is part of how our mitochondria produce energy. It’s oxidation right. So it simply means in the presence of oxygen. Well yes. Yes exactly. Exactly.

[00:48:35] So a lot of the my therapeutic protocols are to raise my oxygen levels in my system as high as possible because I want to create an environment that really kind of strengthens the healthy mitochondria and that these cancer cells can’t function right they can’t function right. And so for example in this I think it’s really important for people to kind of understand even though I can’t point to a clinical study because there are none but I have enough anecdotal evidence to kind of say this if if anyone is facing a med a static condition which I was clearly hyperbaric oxygen is something you want to do and you want to do it as much as you can initially in any kind of phase out. I was doing it three days a week.

[00:49:12] When you say hyperbaric.

[00:49:13] So I have experience in hyperbaric chamber is from my experiences as a diver. Yeah. So we would we we train and I was a Navy diver and we trained in hyperbaric Ginger chambers and Yusif of hyperbaric chamber is to treat you know Oxx to treat that but how do you do that in your how do you accomplish that.

[00:49:30] Well there’s a hyperbaric chamber you have to find one of the news groups with a move to where it is. Yeah hopefully if you’re in a big city they’re not that hard to find.

[00:49:38] You might need a doctor’s prescription. I had my integrative doctor I said write me a prescription for Barack she said OK because these are these are things that they treat diving. Diving accidents. Yes. It’s actually the FDA allows for I think 21 different conditions. Obviously cancer and metastatic issues are not on that list which means the insurance companies won’t pay for it. Right. The center I go to is out here in the San Fernando Valley. If you buy a package of 10 it’s less than a hundred bucks it’s you know it’s it’s expensive per visit for treatment right for treatment right. And it takes about 15 minutes to get the pressure. As you know and you’re going down to wait for 2.4 atmosphere which is about 60 feet. Yeah yeah yeah exactly. And you’re there for about an hour and then it takes about seven minutes to come back to normal pressure. They would say in diving that you could 60 feet for 60 Minutes is safe. Yeah that’s what we were. That’s what I would do. And but you are a little deeper than 60 feet I think 2.4. I think an atmosphere is somewhere around 30 feet. Now when you were a diver did they kind of walk you through why you’re doing it.

[00:50:42] I mean they just said do it shrinking the size of the bubbles that dissolve the dissolve bubbles and you those are that was what I actually I mean I really didn’t go into a lot of the science of it I just assumed that they knew what they were talking about. And you want to shrink the size of the bubbles that are in your in your bloodstream so that you so that they can pass cleanly through your system and they don’t extract. They don’t cause a blockage like a flow in the lungs or in in the places where the capillaries get so small that you know and how often would they have it would have you do it like you know we would we didn’t do it. We learned how to use it because we were we were training to become diving diving officers. So we were training to run diving operations. And if you’re running a diving operation you have to be ready to treat the day or no. So we had to know all the the protocols for how to what the symptoms were and then how to treat the symptoms. They put you to a experience chamber. We were you know I think.

[00:51:38] I think actually it’s funny. I was training in in Panama City Florida and when we went to it we have to do a qual dive. That is down to 130 feet 940 feet. And there was some reason why we couldn’t. I mean think about the Gulf of Mexico 140 feet is not close to shore. You had to go way out to get 230 feet.

[00:52:00] And there were some logistical reason we couldn’t go out there so they just put us in it in a chamber and they took us down and make sure that we could do it. You know be OK. We were doing it and something that was that was my longest time inside of a chamber.

[00:52:12] OK I’m sure you’re familiar with Dom Dee I guess you know in all the work he’s done yet. Yeah. He’s done a ton of work already. I guess he started originally with the Department of Defense helping Navy SEALs deal with diving.

[00:52:24] You know I know Don’s work but I don’t I haven’t really dove in. There’s so many there’s so many avenues and places to dive in and he’s just not been one that I’ve that has made it past the surface.

[00:52:37] Yeah I’d say he’s probably at least I obviously don’t know everybody in the space but the folks that are kind of out there that you get exposed to. He’s the most knowledgeable and the kid in the ketone testing for ketones esters and the impact of excises ketones are the benefits of enzymes is ketones and how ketones can really kind of be used in a therapeutic basis. OK. So I went to a conference in Tampa Florida last year called the metabolic therapeutic conference where they really study of the key to diet for. And there were two breakouts there was one dealing with kind of near neuro degenerative conditions. You know epilepsy that sort of thing Parkinson’s and the other was cancer was it was it also Alzheimer’s.

[00:53:16] Yes yes yes. Because that’s what Dr. Perlmutter really goes into a lot of that stuff too. Yes. I don’t know if he’s after he’s I think everybody’s probably after Dum Dum has been. He was kind of the start of this whole I was listening to the intro to your recent podcast and you’re talking about kind of your your experiences with the key to genic.

[00:53:35] I’ve just I just started weeks ago and it’s always been I never I really kind of gave up on the idea that I could actually successfully navigate it and Todd actually Todd White was very hilarious and you know in kind of breaking my own arguments over my own head like he’s like did you sound like one of your clients not willing to give up sugar or who is not willing to give up you know something that they’re addicted to. And I’m like I’m not addicted. I just don’t want to do it. I got it. You know I don’t know any reason he goes he goes. Stop it.

[00:54:06] You can do this.

[00:54:07] It took me a year to kind of organize myself around doing it. And I did and it’s been the greatest experience. I mean it’s funny I just recorded the intro to the podcast. I don’t think it’s out yet but it’ll be out by the time this podcast goes up. And I said it’s the first time I finish the whole challenge. I’ve been committed on an eight week cycle of eating a certain way and I don’t want to stop. My wife asked me to make some pizza like I’m like I’ll make pizza.

[00:54:35] But I don’t really want to stop it. Yeah it’s great. I feel great. Yes.

[00:54:40] And it’s funny how I think you mentioned this too in the podcast How you know I’ve had a couple of little pieces of pizza since I’ve been in ketosis. I’ve got friends and I said time to great some ice cream on it.

[00:54:51] It’s OK but it’s kind of whatever it was that made it really attractive to you is not there anymore right. Right. It’s weird. Yes.

[00:54:58] I never thought I’d be the guy seeing this. I mean I still buy stuff like.

[00:55:03] Did you just say that you don’t want ice cream you want ice cream. Well I think I have a broken you know something.

[00:55:10] If you’re if you’re in ketosis because of my condition you know I’m very religious about making sure my diet is clean. Yes very very strict but I’ll have ice cream once in a while. I’m not going to deprive myself if I’m out having fun with friends and there’s an ice cream shop if people want some ice cream. I’m not some ice cream.

[00:55:27] Yeah I went I went back to D.C. recently and saw my aunt my aunt was the source of a lot of the food addictions that I that I you know around junk food and stuff that I have. Of course she goes out to Whole Foods and buys like eight different kinds of different kinds of great ice cream and you know I had you know probably three or four nights in a row or at least a bowl scooper to get ice cream.

[00:55:49] So but it’s not a court of Haagen-Dazs every plane. That’s right. Right. And it wasn’t a pie ever.

[00:55:54] I didn’t do you know what I done in the past so a little bit better than I’ve done in the past. But yeah it’s really really cool.

[00:56:01] So anyway back to the back to OK let’s talk a little bit about ketosis if we were kind of on this subject because one of the things that I struggled with when I was going through the analysis of what refused to adopt was diet right. What’s the appropriate diet you use. And I had spent I had already kind of understood the science behind the key to genic diet. And obviously if cancer thrives on glucose it’s his primary fuel source. Anything you do to lower the available glucose in your system is going to be hard on the cancer cells. Yeah. And so the key to genic diet was kind of my natural go to Okemah stick to this program.

[00:56:34] But there’s a ton of stuff out there that is that kind of pushes the plant based diet for cancers that are you know diet and some of it has anecdotally has at least indicated there’s some real kind of efficacy. And so I was thinking to myself well maybe I should i don’t know maybe I should become more of a you know what you’re saying how you evaded a diet.

[00:56:55] Rah rah you know just go crazy blending everything right. You know. Yeah.

[00:56:59] I don’t know. First of all it was at the metabolic therapeutics conference in Tampa where I had a chance to kind of answer the question is how could this high fat diet which is proven to be so effective be effective for cancer at the same time this plant based diet could be effective for cancer. Right. And I was talking to this q Collins a doctor who was studying deuterium depletion which is very esoteric and we talk a little about it and how deep down the rabbit hole you want to go. But I’m studying deuterium depletion as a concept because it affects the country did you see deuterium deuterium. Yeah it’s a hydrogen molecule. That’s twice the size of a normal hydrogen molecule. So it’s a it’s a it’s a it’s a form it’s a different hydrogen molecule and it’s it’s pervasive it’s in all elements it’s in the atmosphere it’s in our bodies and food isn’t. But it’s a trace trace trace amounts we’re talking like zero point zero five percent of the hydrogen is deteriorating. So it’s a very tiny tiny is it is it on the periodic table. Is that a separate element. They don’t know that’s a good question. I don’t know the answer to that question. I just don’t know. But I know that there’s heavy water that’s used in nuclear power plants is high deuterium water they call it heavy water because it has a lot of deuterium.

[00:58:05] Now a lot difficulty in a little lot is good look at him like he said that there’s been little light is not tremendous because it’s so effective at what it does but when it gets into your mitochondria gums up the works right. So what. Q Dr. Q told me as well the reason why the plant based diet and the high fat diet are both equally effective in addressing cancer is because they’re both deuterium depletion diet and of course that’s that’s his nail right. He’s a hammer in his nail right.

[00:58:31] Right. But it is a tongue and groove right perfectly. There you go.

[00:58:39] But yes I’m studying that now I’m actually kind of experimenting in that space that I haven’t used the term water or order some and I won’t experiment with it.

[00:58:47] So is it that protein is not a deuterium depletion of the protein you would have to tear a minute.

[00:58:55] So that’s why they both work. They’re both. Yeah. I think that’s exactly right. Low Protein. Yes exactly 20 percent or less. Yes.

[00:59:05] So my diet is in that category. I do have animal products in my diet but I have a very high plant based diet like I would say 70 or 80 percent of my fat comes from plant sources. Wow. Right. The other is you know butter and heavy cream and you know a little bit of animal fat and not a lot because I don’t eat a lot of animal protein. Yeah right. You know. Fish Yeah fish oil maybe but a lot of nuts. Avocado olives olive oil coconut oil you know lots of bait out there that right buter items anti-oil all that stuff. So that’s kind of that’s the underlying makere of the diet. I think the plant based diet for those who are considering it as a cancer therapy is dangerous because it’s so high in carbohydrates right.

[00:59:49] Your macros are just not there and you’re feeding the cancer what it needs right. So it’s all gets converted. And that’s really really one of the messages that I continue to try to put out is look. Vegetables as good as they are for you all aren’t they turn to sugar in your body.

[01:00:06] Same with fruits. My what my wife. I mean bless her. Look bless me too do I love fruits. I mean I would open the door of my refrigerator and still do.

[01:00:16] And this has been one of the hard things as you know we’ll have blueberries raspberries cantaloupe apples and we have bananas on the counter and pear. I mean we live in Southern California. This is GPS available. All your red strawberries I forget strawberries. Cheese.

[01:00:32] It’s a smorgasbord of fruit which is basically a smorgasbord of sugar. Yeah.

[01:00:36] You know like and it’s so it’s. Anyway it’s a challenge. Yeah exactly sugars. I don’t have much fruit at all. Yeah very low fruit.

[01:00:43] Yeah that’s one of the big things that I’ve cut out. I eat almost no fruit and I miss it. You know like I see those raspberries I love raspberries and I all have two or three blueberries. I’ve found that my palate has actually I can eat two or three. And I get this explosion of flavors on my tongue. And it’s nice. Wait am I saying this.

[01:01:09] Sounds like a commercial. It’s not crazy. I have two or three and that’s enough. I can’t wait. I didn’t say that because I’m with the guy that would eat the whole package of raspberry.

[01:01:18] Yes. Yes. The whole package of blueberries. I like that. Or the whole pint of ice cream. Yes. And you don’t need that which is strange.

[01:01:25] No I know but I do have that. I do have that whatever that character flaw is when it comes to like macadamia nuts. I have to be very disciplined. I’m taking a handful I’m going to walk away for the macadamia nut job because I have a little bit the entire jar. Absolutely. So good.

[01:01:39] That’s just one of the coal mines What are the almonds that are the more Kona. Yes. Yes. Same that I could eat the entire thing of those almonds.

[01:01:52] Yeah so it’s mostly plant but mostly plant based fat and just I think protein. I think animal source protein is obviously much much healthier and it’s much more bite.

[01:02:03] You don’t hear people that are that are advocating a plant based diet talking about fat. You know they talk about a plant based diet which they don’t emphasize the oils and fats which are plant based. Yes. I mean most of them are plant based but they don’t talk about this so it was a plant based diet that was high and fat. OK maybe.

[01:02:22] Yeah you know I’d say the biggest challenge to being in ketosis is eating out. Absolutely. That’s the biggest challenge. I you know I like to go out and socialize. You know your friends have a nice meal. Yeah there are some great restaurants here in L.A.. Great restaurants great if you know there’s Belle Campo that has a great deal of these places. But boy oh boy I have to bring my own fat. I literally will carry an avocado in a little jar of olive oil with my course my Himalayan sea salt because I don’t use or table salt to a restaurant and then figure out how I can concoct a healthy meal.

[01:02:54] You just you just you just turn some some people they just turn off the podcast.

[01:02:59] You’re one of those. What I think the answer is. I like your get your stuff out of your jacket. I’m not going to use yours. Oh I got my own salt like. I was nuts. I try to get up for those outside Los Angeles. You have no idea what it’s like to know. You’re right.

[01:03:20] I think a people in Missouri or Kansas or. Yeah.

[01:03:23] Why did he just say he pulls out his own Himalayans shot.

[01:03:29] But it’s hard to get fat. It’s hard to get healthy fat. It’s really hard. And even the fat they use is probably canola oil. Cooking your your omelet whatever it is you’re in a great restaurant with organic eggs but you have to say OK what are you cooking the eggs. Write if it’s kind of having poached. Yeah. Right. I mean these are just little things you need to think about which if you don’t have cancer I don’t want people to become or thoracic go crazy because believe me I think the most powerful healing element is not your diet it’s your frame of mind that is way more effective that keep you healthy than just eating healthy.

[01:04:00] Because I’m living proof of that right. Right. I was eating as healthy as anyone could eat and I still got really sick. Right. Because my emotional state was not healthy. So you really got to address toxic relationships and emotional detoxification getting rid of stress making sure you’re sleeping well and all that stuff really really effective. You could eat a lot of crap if those things are dialed in. Yeah right. Yeah. Of course if you’re trying to shift from cancer to healing I think you just you got hit you want to line everything up.

[01:04:26] No one ever went there. Absolutely. And your life depends on it.

[01:04:29] Right. Right. Yeah that’s right. So it’s the biggest challenge I think for me has been you know how to incorporate these these protocols in a way so that it doesn’t consume your life because you know we were and we were talking about the ketogenic diet and how important a role that’s been.

[01:04:48] Does that hit on one of the three. I’m going to keep going back to the three pillars. Yes it does.

[01:04:53] It does because well it’s kind of stuck in between some of the pillars.

[01:04:57] What were the pillars. I mean I only hear I only remember hearing you say the first one which I’ll get to talk of.

[01:05:02] Yeah.

[01:05:03] The pillars are all focused on the health of the cells. OK. OK. That’s kind of the core. If you wanted to say shine your spotlight on one thing it’s the health of the healthy cells. OK. And keeping your healthy cells as healthy as you possibly can. At the same time we get getting the therapeutic stuff weakening your cancer cells as best you possibly can without it without impacting the health of your healthy cells which makes chemotherapy and radiation kind of a second tier. Let’s not do this let’s we have to because I call that it takes both. It’s both. OK. So the three things I mentioned are all focused on those kind of the mitochondria are really supporting the mitochondria the healthy cells and that’s oxygenation. This whole kind of oxidation oxidative stress. Those are two sides of the same coin. Getting oxygen to your healthy cells is really important. Hence what the hyperbaric oxygen is ozone which you can talking about. These are all things to bring up that level and really get into your cells. And it also creates at the same time an oxidative stress on your cancer cells. Right. Right. So it’s almost like chemotherapy to your cancer cells in a natural way. OK. Or hydrogen peroxide for example is extremely toxic to fungus cancer or any kind of.

[01:06:12] And when you do high dose vitamin C A lot of people don’t know this but the reason why you do the high dose vitamin C if you have cancer or Lyme disease or other things where they use that therapy is because of the oxidative stress component. People think of vitamin C as an antioxidant. Well yes it is. At low doses. But when you’re doing 50 grams right or 75 grams which is what I was doing it becomes it actually converts through the works of the Krebs cycle converts to hydrogen peroxide in it’s the hydrogen peroxide. Now that your body’s producing that’s very destructive to those cancer cells. And that’s chemotherapy basically is a natural form of a chemotherapy agent that’s going to be very toxic to these I know that’s not toxic to your health is it not.

[01:06:55] It’s not only is it not toxic. Dr. Ro Well right now are getting a lot of oxygen right.

[01:07:00] Hey this is great. Right. So. So going back to. OK. So that’s one. OK. The second is you know this whole issue about fasting and detoxing off. OK. To clean out what’s going on in your system. And the third is getting proper cellular communication by making your cells are kind of communicating well. And that’s one that I probably have the least I think that my feet dug into the sand on because I’m still kind of digging around. But you know being in sunlight for example going in the ocean for example these are all things that are really positive to is that the ability of electrons and not just water not just the well after all I think and I know you want to go into the ocean for two reasons One is because you want to ground your system. You want to make sure you’re you’re you know we’re a lot of what cause. Let’s step back for a second. What causes us to be warm blooded creatures is what’s happening in ourselves. The mitochondria are like little energy organelles that are actually generating heat. Yeah. OK and that’s what makes us warm blooded creatures right. Right. And the way that works is there’s this there’s an exchange of electrons the electron transport chain which in this which is to the ATP process. So you want to make sure that this electron balance right electrons need to move right. It’s the redox oxidative means stealing electrons or losing electron. Reduction means getting your electrons back again. Right.

[01:08:27] So it’s that ebb and flow going back to the things that we were talking about earlier. And so grounding keeps your body in a proper balance within these electrons. So what you want is you want to stand in the dirt with bare feet to make sure your body is properly ground you don’t want to be too charge one way or the other because it affects electrons not grass dirt. No grass is fine grass is great. And you just don’t want to be standing on asphalt. This doesn’t count. I agree because concrete actually is like sand right. Rocks So if you’re walking on the sidewalk barefoot you’re grounded more than you walk walking the street barefoot because the rubber that they put the asphalt right acts as an insulator. Right. But I think the best place to ground is to be in the ocean if you can’t Hughey tree is also a great way but you got to take a shower. You

[01:09:11] it might be a little ugly.

[01:09:13] Yeah right. But getting good lighting this whole idea when you get when you do that.

[01:09:18] Great. I mean it sounds a little crazy. First

[01:09:21] of all it does sound crazy doesn’t it. I immediately think if you watch Breaking Bad or better call Saul. Right. You know I think of the lawyer and a lawyers I think of the lawyer who you know lived with electricity for. Did you see it. You know what I’m talking about. I didn’t call it see I saw Breaking Bad it I never the characters I didn’t watch the follow on program. He’s he’s he was our character. Yeah

[01:09:42] he’s not and not that not Saul but his brother who’s the guy that was kicked out. He stopped working at the law firm that that Saul was wanted to be hired in. And he lived with you know he used to he wouldn’t go outside without being shielded from the electromagnetic radiation you had to leave all your cell phones out. He had to put his cell phone in the mailbox out outside the house really before he would go in the house. He wouldn’t turn on anything in the house no gas.

[01:10:12] It was a little like you know you could get crazy.

[01:10:17] You know something. I was so like throw everything out this I possibly can. Of course of course but I noticed when I started grounding on a regular basis my sleep when my sleep patterns got much much stronger. What did you do to ground yourself on a regular basis. Did you just you. I tried all sorts of things like walking barefoot underground is the easiest one to do. Right. But here in L.A. obviously you go out your front yard and just yeah.

[01:10:39] So I was actually meditating in my front yard just you know sitting on the grass. Got a little uncomfortable because I wanted my bare butt on the grass and that was kind of a challenge because it’s prickly and that sort of thing. Yeah. And you can see where it’s wet. You could actually feel kind of the tingling in of it it’s just kind of it’s gets itchy. But what I do now is I go to the beach if I can’t go during the week I go on the weekends get my feet in the sand and are in the ocean be in the ocean. That’s kind of the strong way to ground or if you like to hike you know just at some point take your shoes off. Right. How long does it take to ground yourself. I don’t know there’s any studies to say what what works and what doesn’t work. I would say as much as you can without disrupting your life because you want to you want to all the other things.

[01:11:21] But I mean if you just jump into stepping you know take your shoes off for 10 seconds and go up on the. Does it count.

[01:11:28] I would say yes. It’s certainly better than nothing. Right. Right. For example if you’re flying in an airplane which is really high stress when it comes to these electrons only because there’s a lot of static static electricity basically inside a microwave because of the Wi-Fi now. Right. So it could just take your shoes and your socks off and put your feet on the grounding part of the plane which is the frame of the seat in front of you. At least that keeps your body grounded.

[01:11:54] You’re trying to keep these electrically grounded to something that’s not touching the ground.

[01:11:58] How does a man on a plane is grounded the plane everything on the plane the way the planes are designed it’s like the old cars everything was connected to a metal piece to ground it. So the whole car is one giant ground. OK. Right. OK. And then when you get on the that when you when I travel when you get off the plane this is even more important right because you’re right you’re still not grounded the ground of the plane. Get out. Go to Central Park take your shoes off right and just get your feet on the ground and I don’t think you need to do it for long. Five minutes 10 minutes. Yes just that’s enough to establish the right rock the dirt the tree. Yeah. And when we touch each other when human beings touch each other we’re grounding each other. Yeah. Right. So if I’m more negative and you’re more positive when we touch each other once we find homeostasis. So you become more Negat become more positive. Wow. In that process. OK. OK cool. This is something that we don’t understand very well. Einstein understood it very well. Yeah. All right. He talked a lot about it and Jack crews talked a ton about this. You know for your listeners who know who he is he’s big and I don’t know how he’s being in this space. We were talking about him before the podcast so it is a little out there. Well he’s just brilliant. I mean he’s a parasite.

[01:13:01] But he talks a lot about the importance of a healthy light and that sort of thing. And so do you get the light bulbs do you have the light bulbs in your house. This is my thought on lighting because I can go crazy yeah. Right. Those blue Bachar glasses are great.

[01:13:13] But let’s say she helped me I bought a pair of those at the convention Yeah and I warm because I found myself getting a headache the first day because you’re under that really horrible light at convention center and I wore those yellow glasses and I actually felt the difference. There’s actually definitely a difference. You will definitely notice the difference I don’t wear them now because I’m you know when you’re out in the sun you don’t want to wear it. No I mean I don’t wear them at home as much as I should like I put on a television show and I really should be wearing those things.

[01:13:39] But I am in the.

[01:13:40] And yeah at night. You guys don’t. So I have to figure that out. Yes. This is this is my thought on all that. And Jack probably would tell me I’m full of it. But he knows a lot more about this than I do. But I think from where I sit. Sleep how well you sleep is really really really really important. You know that’s really detoxification at its best. That’s what your body’s healing right. Right. So if you’re not sleeping well you’ve got to figure out how to get yourself in that space where you can get a good night’s sleep because then you’re going to be much easier to get in the healing state. OK. So a lot of the stuff that we talk about we talk about circadian rhythms and the blue light and the problems of light really are just to try to dial it into the point you can just get a really good night’s sleep. Right. Right. And so yes I think he’s. I don’t think he’s wrong in saying that being is supposed to be light it has all sorts of health consequences and we’ve got to be careful that stuff and he’s saying but it’s all in sleep.

[01:14:30] Sleep prep basically. Well you know I would say it’s even more than sleep prep he said. Any time you’re in front of a computer you should have your Blue Blockers on because of the amount of blue light it’s disrupting everything in your system. I would say look if you can’t do that at least get yourself to the point or you get a good night’s sleep and if that requires that you wear Blue Blockers at night wear blue boxers. Right. Right. I don’t I don’t wear them at night but when I’m upstairs on my computer and I certainly have two boxes on in the day when I’m on the computer all day I wear my blue boxers. That’s something I haven’t tried. Yes interesting yeah do you wear the yellow ones not the red ones.

[01:15:02] I have the red ones. The red ones are intense. Those are those are only to be used in the house because if I went out in public I’d probably walk into something that’s a little bit.

[01:15:10] Well you notice not noticing that you don’t see anything red. No. You’re like everything gets turns white like everything changes so intensely right. Yeah. Everything everything looks red. It’s hard to do any work on the computer screen because it’s too red to read like I can’t really read very well on it because my everything it’s hard it’s hard.

[01:15:27] I experimented with something recently. Because I mean I use incandescent bulbs to answer your question in the house I don’t have any LSD. Well that’s not true under my kitchen cabinet have Ltd’s but this lady’s bad according to Cruz that the worst of the house. He said they’re worse than fluorescent but they’re both bad.

[01:15:42] I think that’s when everything said are screwed.

[01:15:47] And I hope no one from the what is that the EPA is listening but I bought a shitload incandescent bulbs so I had a lifetime supply. You could still get them for specialty light purposes that something but all these decorative lights it. Yes. But I actually have been experimenting lately with those Himalayan sea salt lamps. You know the ones that are basically a big chunk of salt. Yeah. And some of bulbs inside yeah. And I have a Bud goes through the glass so I use those at night now not when I’m trying to do the dishes or you know you really need light but when it when it’s like after nine o’clock and I’m not quite in bed yet and I’m really dialing down. I’ll just use those to light up my bedroom in the kitchen in the living room area and it really does put you in that mode where your body’s just saying ok sleep time. Wow sleep time. That’s cool. It’s easier than candles or do you think that it’s something with a wavelength going through the salt. Or I think. Yes. I think the salt somehow just breaks it down to just that one takes I think the blue color blue color.

[01:16:45] What do you do. Himalayan the salt and not take.

[01:16:48] That’s what they sell. That would be good. No no no why do you do that. Yeah sure. We can talk about that that I didn’t. Hydration hydration is not just drinking water clean water.

[01:16:57] Right. And let’s make sure it’s clear when I say clean water. A lot of people drink bottled water in plastic bottles and think it’s clean it’s not it’s not water is it is a solvent it is a very powerful solvent.

[01:17:08] It’s why the Grand Canyon is the Grand Canyon exactly think that water touches is going to it’s going to dissolve. Universal is the universal solvent right. Exactly. So if you’re drinking water and plastic about your necessary drinking some of the components that plastic. So when I try even if it’s only been in the bottle for five five years or longer the more I get fired. But you don’t know you know if you get it from melons things crystal geyser or whatever. Who knows how long it’s been in there right. So when I travel what I do is I go to a room and we put an asterisk. Crazy times crazy.

[01:17:38] Right. First thing it is I walk in the bathroom and I smell the tap water. OK. I pour my hand. I smell it from corn. And if I want to smell it and if I smell chlorine then I’ll drink plastic bottled water if that’s all I can get. But if I don’t smell chlorine I’ll drink tap water because I don’t want to be exposed to the highlights and everything in the place. Wow. Now if I’m flying I’ll drink Fiji and a plastic bottle that’s you know is better than the water on the airplane. Yes. But yes a clean water is important. Getting back to your question about salt. You also have to know this you’re an athlete you have to have the right balance of electrolytes. I just want to hear you talk about perspective. It’s really important to be hydrated. Really important to be hydrated so it’s not just one how you get hydrated really depends upon how well your electrolyte balance is.

[01:18:19] So mineral water like pelligrino or Harold Steiner or right like those those already have them. Those are good. You don’t need to add any those salts to them right.

[01:18:29] So I get spring water delivered to my house and glass bottles and I add electrolytes to them either from him. Let’s get back to a question about salt Himalayan sea salt has a lot more of the minerals not just salt not just sodium is there a difference between Himalayan sea salt and Celtic Sea salt I think they’re both good.

[01:18:46] OK. I I would do either one. Right right. There’s a book that I just finished reading them. My most recent book called The Salt fix. And he talks a lot about the different salts. But I I just use the Himalayan stuff that’s easy it’s accessible. And I do want to get the right balance of and also table salt is made in the lab right it’s pure sodium iodine in it. And I get my iodine from other sources. Right. And I don’t want to just have pure sodium. So I have sodium bicarbonate I have to spend my water in the morning with some lemon that’s the first thing I do when I get up in the morning first thing I do is I pour myself a big glass of water a half a teaspoon of baking soda in there and squeeze a lemon in there. Why baking soda. It’s it’s again getting back to the whole question about getting the right oxygenation in yourself. You know there’s a lot of cancer therapists that say sodium bicarbonate is very therapeutic. It is the way it interacts in yourselves. And I think you can go a little crazy with it but I also I don’t I’m not I don’t subscribe to the theory that you can you can cure cancer by adjusting your ph because your body’s so good at maintaining its status right. Right. So just drinking Cagan water is not going to cure cancer and most people think that might be helpful and I just don’t buy into that.

[01:19:59] But I also think that kind of anything you can do to reduce the acidity within your system is not a bad idea but you’re adding lemon to that which is interesting lemons acidic it not not in your system it’s not it’s acidic outside your body. It gets back to like the vitamin C being an antioxidant else that it it’s actually.

[01:20:16] Yeah it’s weird. You put in a base and then you put in and I just didn’t do anything. And the net result is zero. If you took this in stock you strip it it yeah would be high acid.

[01:20:25] Yeah but once it gets in your system it becomes it helps alkaline alkaline eyes. Yeah yeah. Yeah. So yeah. So I think hydrating first thing in the morning is important but getting back to the question on salt. I just don’t use table salt and you just take a little bit and spring when you measure it out. You know I just.

[01:20:42] Yeah yeah. Everything. Yeah. OK. Yeah.

[01:20:48] IPod jobs were bouncing around. I keep. I keep having this mental conversation to myself should I ask a question about something or should I just let you go either way.

[01:20:59] So either way because I could go on and on and on you know I know I know. So you see this is like OK we’re going this is going to be a little longer than normal just because it’s like I’m so fascinated by this and we’ll probably have to do a second episode to cover other things.

[01:21:13] No I’d love to do that but I don’t want to stop now because this is venta. Are you going on time. Yes yeah. Great fun. Great. That’s fine.

[01:21:21] Let’s I mean let’s talk about the other ways to oxygenate your system. Yeah. So you have hyperbaric oxygen. You have your live O2 which everyone can use. But even if you just get out and do some interval if you’re strong enough to do interval training to try to get oxygen.

[01:21:40] Let’s describe what that is. So it’s a big bag basically of oxygen that you’ve turned a machine on. Yes. And you fill this bag up it’s a huge bag it’s you know how much it holds but it’s hangs on your brother’s door right on the wall and on your floor and on your wall and you feel that sucker up and then you strap on you what you do is you wear a face mask and a neoprene that mimics it has a switch.

[01:22:05] OK. There’s a switch that’s on your machine whether it’s just you know a treadmill or in my case their mouse or whatever you’re using to kind of get your workout going and that switch can switch between 0 2 0 0 minus 0 plus or minus mimics high altitude. And the idea being if you’re let’s say running at 15000 feet your capillaries will open up because you’re starved for oxygen. Right. And so what you’re doing is why you’re doing your workout. You push that button you warm up. We push that button to the negative zone and you wait until your blood oxygen levels drop down to a point where you’re monitoring your monitor and also yes and you can also monitor without the pulse ox by just men when you’re a kid and you’re riding the bicycle up the hill and you get the point you’ve got to get out and walk. Yeah that’ll tell you pretty much where you are.

[01:22:46] It happens to me even when it’s about a kid. I don’t ride bikes as much as I used bicycles anyway.

[01:22:54] So. So and then what you do is you push the switch into the O-positive and now you’re breathing on that big bladder which was filled with oxygen from the oxygen generators. Not

[01:23:02] 100 percent but it’s like 80 or 90 but it’s pretty high. Yeah a lot higher than atmosphere. And so your capillary theory is your capillaries are now expanded to get the oxygen and you’re giving it the oxygen in the cold like when you see a football player come over on the sideline and take care of you take pure oxygen.

[01:23:18] You I get it. It’s a recovery mechanism for them. Right for you it’s more therapeutic. It’s very therapeutic effect right. So you’re also getting that recovery as well.

[01:23:28] Yes yes. Yes. Anything I can do to oxygenate. I was doing and I think I do as rectal ozone insulation. Oh boy. You we go crazy it’s crazy talk crazy.

[01:23:39] Crazy thought. This is actually ozone is quite interesting because in the functional medical medical space Ozolinsh like the be all end all. It heals everything from Lyme disease to cancer. Well I mean to use those names for everything these pool regular doctors use it just to sterilize surgical instruments. But he did have a very powerful powerful element cooling towers the ozone layer. Yeah. Yes. But but standard medical doctors will say oh no it was toxic.

[01:24:05] Right. Right. There’s two ways you can get ozone into your system. OK. One is to go to your integrative doctor and have them take some blood out of your body and basically pump ozone into it and then reap re-inject the blood back into your body. OK. The other way to do it is actually to take a little bladder hook it up to an ozone machine that’s hooked up to an oxygen tank and then once the bladders full of oxygen you attach a catheter which you insert up your nether regions your rectum.

[01:24:38] And squeeze out the bladder. So now you have ozone in your in your lower colon and there’s blood vessels that now can absorb that ozone. So let’s go back. Hold on one second. You do this to yourself. I do it. Yeah. I have an oxygen machine and it was dangerous. I mean do you can you poke you like this is not a needle catheter. No no no no no no no it’s a plastic tube it’s going in.

[01:24:59] It’s not. No no no it’s basically just a plastic tube. OK. Yeah.

[01:25:03] And I mean OK so I just walk around the after 15 minutes until you feel like OK I’ve had enough and then just let the gas out tube is gone. At that point I don’t know you basically just get gas and then you’re. Yeah yeah.

[01:25:17] Because I mean I’ve done some pretty crazy things with. I had I had a hemorrhoid. Full disclosure here. Yeah hemorrhoid surgery. And it was pretty gnarly and I had to do some pretty bad and some just things I would never want to repeat and one of them was doing you know enemas. And I was not comfortable. But I guess when you’re in the in like again you’re in the state you’re in right now.

[01:25:42] Whatever it takes whatever it takes. Right. So I’m sure it’s something you get used to as well. Yeah you do. And I think it’s I viewed it as being very therapeutic only because the prostate is right there right. Right. Right next door to the cat is the only break you’re trying to get cancer right here in your groin area. Yeah that’s a great way to do it. Yeah. Yeah I don’t do it every day now but I still do it. But these are all kind of oxi these super oxygenation super oxidative stress. Yeah. And I think the high dose vitamin C kind of fits into the same bucket. So those those are kind of something that is. Can you do high dose vitamin C on your own. No I think you don’t need a doctor. There are a lot of clinics that have but I don’t know if they go that high. Right. Seventy five. Unless you have a port like somebody doing chemotherapy to put a port in your system to make it easier for you to get I.V.. I didn’t. So they have to just find a vein each time and run it through a vein and you do that three days a week. I know I was doing once a week once a week. And you know you’re sitting in that chair for three hours to do 75 grams.

[01:26:37] So how long is low. How much. How much fluid bag is this big. Wow. Wow. And it’s you know it’s a slow drip drip drip. They can’t just know that you know and it can’t squeeze it like you.

[01:26:53] Know it was kind of brutal.

[01:26:56] Although I made a lot of friends it’s kind of interesting how you cut it it’s like being a smoker outside of a cigarette right. Right. Right in the room most of the folks that I met interestingly enough headline disease that seems to be kind of the disease adamancy the disease of the day have Lyme disease.

[01:27:14] So I met quite a few folks. Wow.

[01:27:18] Yeah. So I’d say you know the bigger challenge of all challenges is finding time for all this stuff. Yeah right. I mean you devoted your life to it. I did. And this is what I did.

[01:27:28] This has been a year long so far year and two months it’s actually almost exactly a year. I was diagnosed I got that I got the test results back. I think it was on July 18th. Wow. My final test which was the biopsy that was on July 18th and 19th right around there is when I actually got it so it’s been a year. It’s been a year and just just to kind of let people know where I am. I am in remission. I was declared to be in remission in January.

[01:27:56] Now I want to go back to one thing you said and we didn’t talk about it hardly at all.

[01:28:00] You did use one traditional therapeutic approach to actually maybe but I don’t want to spend a ton of time that because this is very specific to prostate cancer.

[01:28:08] So people that don’t have prostate cancer don’t necessarily need to know this but I think it brings your whole story into a more less crazy more balanced because you work.

[01:28:18] You’re not opposed. No traditional therapy no. You’re not. It’s not like you went into this and wrote off anything that western medicine has ever said about traditional.

[01:28:28] That’s right. That’s right. No I was. Believe me if I thought chemotherapy had no at no adverse impact on the body I would have considered doing it right. Right. Right. But I thought now I am I can destroy my life.

[01:28:39] So how did you decide to use this one approach and do this one thing like what was it.

[01:28:42] Well it’s because I was having trouble urinating and the discomfort was pretty severe. And I knew I just figured OK. Well there’s two reasons. One is the severity of my condition. The other is I decided that if there’s three ways you do these shots you can do it monthly. You can do it quarterly either by annually. And I looked at the doses of each one and I decided I’m just to do it monthly. And then this way I can always stop doing it and I didn’t know what that therapy is.

[01:29:12] OK. And we don’t have a ton of time. Know but I think it’s worth talking about.

[01:29:17] That’s kind of interesting. OK. The prostate prostate cancers most prostate cancer not all prostate cancers are extremely impactors very powerfully impacted excuse me by loss of testosterone in an adverse way. In other words cutting down your testosterone level really has a big impact on the growth of anything happen to your prostate. It’s also a way of addressing BHP. Right. And so it’s kind of standard of care when you have a real serious prostate issue and prostate cancer obviously is a serious prostate issue. So I don’t know anybody who doesn’t do this. And it’s also called chemical castration because it takes your testosterone level down to literally zero you like the level of an 8 year old girl. Can you imagine having your body with zero testosterone I don’t know.

[01:29:56] And I we could talk about some of the better.

[01:29:59] It’s not without There’s a lot of adverse effects anyway so you take you take a pill called the Casodex for about two weeks 10 days or two weeks before you get your first shot and what Casodex does is it shuts down the receptors for the testosterone and then you get your first shot and that shuts down your production of testosterone. OK. They used to actually castrate people before they had these drugs to cure prostate cancer. They castrate them just as effectively the same thing although there’s other organs that produces Dastan So this is actually a more effective way of kind of shutting that down. And when I did it it’s interesting.

[01:30:34] I don’t know if it was the Casodex or if it was all my other therapies but my first PSA test at twenty one point one was followed by my second PSA taste test the same day I got my first Lupron shot. So the day they gave me the first shot that shuts down testosterone they also took blood before I got the shot to see what my PSA level was how long had you been with me. Probably.

[01:30:55] Oh I’d say somewhere between four and six weeks. I would say five weeks it was. Yeah. From the time I got diagnosed my first shot was maybe six weeks. I think last my PSA had dropped to 1 need sex. So I’d gone down dramatically the day I got my first Lupron shot. But I continue to take Lupron for about five months.

[01:31:13] That must have been a that sample you know because the next one was zero point two three months later and the next hour that was undetectable.

[01:31:23] What do you what did you do that caused it to drop from 20.

[01:31:26] You said twenty one point one at one point eighty six in six weeks. The doctors were very shocked it could have just been a combination of everything including the Casodex. I just know one could point to one thing because there is not a lot of there’s obviously no clinical trial where you could because you were still in the phase of doing all the research.

[01:31:42] What did you read. I was fasting and raising my own levels. OK got to know I wasn’t doing the high dose vitamin C or anything and stuff you weren’t doing the high oxygen you weren’t. Well actually I think I started doing the hyperbaric pretty early on because I had heard a lot about that.

[01:31:55] Don the Agostino and his work yeah I figured why not if I have metastases which I clearly do I’m going to hit it with this. And so I think anybody who faced that should absolutely do hyperbaric and just as a footnote I met a guy when I was in Tampa who had glioblastoma and he used the ketogenic diet to help facilitate surgery cause cancer cells with brain cancer cells proliferate outside the tumor itself. So it’s hard for the surgeon to get out the cancer. And when you do hyper when you do sorry ketosis as a therapy it causes the cancer cells to almost coagulate more. So it’s easier for them to just remove the cancer. So he did have surgery but his thermal imaging scan showed he still had cancer cells in his brain. You know not a tumor but there was still cancer cells there. And the only thing he did aside from his ketogenic diet whatever other protocols to change his condition was he started doing hyperbaric and he got a thermal imaging scan so he was free of cancer. It was gone. So to me that’s pretty good anecdotal evidence in my cancer.

[01:32:57] You know I wonder one thing I didn’t ask about the library when you go do it. Is it simply a matter of getting in the chamber and just sitting there breathing just because you can do whatever you want to play your cards nicely. You know take a nap but it’s just about being Agah at pressure. And what is that supposed to do.

[01:33:14] What it does is it forces oxygen throughout your entire system. The pressure. Yeah you’re wearing an oxygen mask. They also have hyperbaric chamber is where the entire chambers will fill with pure oxygen. So those are much more expensive because it costs a lot of money to fill that chamber with the oxycontin like what you’re doing on the bike with the Eva. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Very similar to what you want. Yeah very similar. They both in fact when they sell you that what they say it’s more effective than hyperbaric I don’t know because no one’s done a clinical trial so I did both. Yes. Yes. To me I don’t want to I don’t want to be on the receiving end of being wrong on that question right. Yes. So that’s you know that’s kind of where I was yeah that’s where I was. And so the shots I was getting you can cycle off of those. The doctors won’t tell you that. So any of your listeners who may have uncles or they themselves are struggling with taking Lupron injections or one of the equivalents is is you can do your own study. Please I’m not a doctor. Let’s make a big disclaimer here I don’t give medical advice just talking about my opinions and my own kind of perspective on things. But there’s plenty of material and bad clinical material from the pharmaceutical industry that shows there’s no adverse impact of cycling off OK. They also say there’s no there’s no tangible benefit.

[01:34:25] I disagree because why would you want your body to be permanently off testosterone versus cycling in and out it having testosterone going up the pulsing right when you want your bones to get. And there’s a lot of things testosterone does that you want to be able to do in order to be healthy. So I cycled off in January. My PSA started. So you knew you were doing it monthly. I was doing it every month for five months and then I stopped. So I stopped for a shot in January. I had one shot last month and my PSA crept up to like four point four. But my testosterone was back. I mean it was I felt like a teenager again. So you know your body will bounce back if you let it. But I’m still treading lightly. I want to make sure this thing is fully out of my system before I kind of take any.

[01:35:12] Was there any explanation for why the PSA level crept up again. It was because I had testosterone in my body. Gotcha. Gotcha. And so what does that do.

[01:35:21] What does the test run. What are they doing when they eliminate testosterone.

[01:35:25] They’re starving the cancer or something like cutting off its supplies. One of its primary sources of fuel testosterone for prostate cancer. They also tell us that there’s an equivalent for women with breast cancer that an estrogen therapy they use. I don’t I’m not I’m not familiar with that but you will see to that. Yeah I think you know our whole our hormonal system is something that even the best doctors scientists really don’t quite fully understand it’s very complicated stuff. And so I’m you know my goal which is I think a little bit insane talking about nuts was to end up with a healthy prostate.

[01:36:02] I wanted to get through this all be cured and still have a process not eliminate not get it on. I didn’t write the I don’t want them to radiate it just have a doctor who probably thought you were. They thought it would be pretty not.

[01:36:12] Pretty but my urologist you know he didn’t alter say I did a digital exam on me in January and said Boy your prostate looks perfectly normal and your lymph nodes all look perfectly right. I mean there’s no evidence of cancer at all. Right.

[01:36:26] Makes you wonder whether maybe all that prep work he did for 10 years actually did do something.

[01:36:32] I mean you know you know my body’s maybe you Mom is better. You responded in a way that you might not have responded otherwise. You still been living the decadent lifestyle.

[01:36:44] Yeah. So that’s that’s the story.

[01:36:49] Wow.

[01:36:50] Well like I said there are a lot of rabbit holes we can go down yes we can continue at some other time. Let me ask you one more question for you. You mentioned that in the morning the first thing you do when you get up is drink water sodium bicarbonate and lemon. Are there any other things you do each day and I’m sure you have a whole list of them but are there any other like the things that you think in in your daily routine that you just won’t miss.

[01:37:17] Like it just is part of your. Yeah I would say yes. Let’s go through the kind of the main points.

[01:37:23] Hydration is number one first thing in the morning. Well hydration I probably drink 40 ounces of water before I had my first cup of coffee. Wow. Between the time I wake up and the time I have my first cup of coffee you know I usually wake up. Say 5:30 a.m. I get pretty early so I’m up this morning at about 5:30. Up and out of. I don’t use on clock I just know I go I know my sleep cycles. You look at long clock and this is just the 30th. OK. I go back to sleep now I’ll get up an hour and 25 minutes. My sleep cycle. Yes. But. So to me that’s really important because when you sleep at night what’s happening is your body is taking all those toxins and mobilizing them so they can get out of your system. Right. So if the first thing you do is have a cup of coffee in the morning you have to put those toxins back to put them back in to your liver because you’re not allowing your body to flush it out. So that’s why you want to do your hydration first thing in the morning.

[01:38:12] OK. You can take it all at once. I’ll get up and I’ll drink a glass know guzzle a 16 ounce bottle.

[01:38:18] Now now go work out and then I’ll guzzle No.6 now and I’ll go you know do my physical therapy because of my shoulder injury or I’ll do my ozone treatment or I’ll take a shower and then I’ll drink another glass and then I’ll have my coffee before I actually go. Gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha OK. OK so that’s kind of something I do every day. I’ve also started Medtner.

[01:38:36] You’re not doing that. You’re not doing the bicarbonate in the lemon in all of the that is just the first the first test the first. Got it right because it seems seesawed and all of them.

[01:38:43] Yes. Yes. Yeah. Yeah electrolytes and all that. OK. I think meditating every day is really important. So I I and this is the one I struggle with the most. When I first found out I was sick I actually signed up and did the T.M. course if I say I’m not you just got your mantra you right you teach you.

[01:39:01] But I spent a thousand bucks in box maybe I’ll actually do it.

[01:39:04] I mean I thought the same thing I haven’t yet taken that step but I thought about because I used to practice Zen meditation and I was really only disciplined about doing it when I showed up with the community and did it with them at five o’clock in the morning. Right. And I did it. I was religious but that’s because I had a community and a place and a time and doing it on my own. It’s a crapshoot.

[01:39:23] Well let me tell you my theories on meditation. I think it’s like fasting for your brain and your mind right more than your brain for your mind because your brain is just the organ in which your mind resides. And when I started doing it regularly what I discovered was my level of insights and intuition went up. And the reason I think that is probably be for another podcast is a big rabbit hole is it’s like the blood brain barrier that separates your brain from the rest of your system. Sure right there there’s a similar membrane that separates your subconscious from your conscious experience of your mind. And when you’re meditating you’re allowing that membrane to become permeable so that more stuff can get through that barrier. And that’s in that subconscious part of your part of your mind your brain is not just your brain because it’s your God it’s everything that subconscious part of you that’s where everything that’s the where the wisdom is that’s what controls your blood flow.

[01:40:17] Everything else everything will be like what you said. The diet isn’t the most important part. It’s your mind. Right.

[01:40:24] And what the way you think and the way your subconscious thinks exactly your subconscious mind is aware of everything that’s happened to you in your entire life. Right. In perhaps prior lives if you believe in it. Yeah right. And so when you meditate you’re allowing more of these kind of wisdoms that of your ages whatever that is whether it’s your life or prior life start perking up a little bit you have realizations when you’re in the meditative state.

[01:40:48] What do you do. Do they kind of bubble up here and there and I try to I try to get back into the still in the mind thing. And I have to write them down right away. Otherwise you lose them. Right. You forget them. How long do you typically meditate for. I try to do 20 minutes but I do at least 15. You set a timer. I don’t need to anymore. OK. Because I my body kind of knows when it’s going to hit that mark. And you have a place where I’m doing now on the beach I go to the beach every day and show up in the ocean and try to get grounded really well and get some sun and some good oxygen before you did that. I was doing and I have a comfortable chair in my bedroom that I would use. It is not like it’s not like there’s a fish sitting in full lotus a Buddhist statue you know of lighting candles do it where you’re comfortable. You could do it sitting waiting for a plane at the airport if you can block out the noise. Right. Right. Right. It’s just kind of still in the mine. OK. So that’s another thing that’s another thing I do every critical. That’s critical that’s critical. Will you do it for five minutes if you don’t have 15 minutes like five minutes. Yes. Make a difference for you. Yes. OK I will do it for five minutes.

[01:41:49] I don’t have 15 but I’ll kick myself for not doing my 15 right because it’s just a matter of priorities of course because of course one can find that the minute. Absolutely. Yeah.

[01:41:59] And when you talk to somebody that’s busy they don’t think they can know. So let’s let’s just say hey it’s worth it to do five. Yes. Yes. From zero to five is definitely movement. Yes.

[01:42:08] Right that same that same it’s interesting after I kind of got that going on this path with this whole quest to cure cancer thing. I found that there’s an interlude between being asleep and waking up in the morning. You have a very open membrane at that point to between your subconscious mind. And you have a lot of insights just even if you’re not trying to get insights and things that just pop in your head which again you have to write down. Yeah. Yeah. And before you have passion for something like you wake up every morning feel like that interlude is kind of stressful because all that stuff tends to be like to do list stuff. You know when I get to this I know I get that. So you write those things I don’t know. All right. Well I should.

[01:42:48] Say I shouldn’t but I don’t.

[01:42:49] But they those you know now when I wake up in the morning I look at these kind of cool ideas pop into my head like it’s almost like you have to train yourself to be aware of those because I’m right now I can tell you that I’m not aware of that I will find it. Let me let me make a suggestion for you. We can circle back maybe and talk about how this fits for you. Find something in your life that you’re struggling with. OK. That’s it could be anything work related. It doesn’t matter and just put the question out there before you go to sleep at night. Don’t look for answers down or just make it. You could say it out loud you could just speak in your own mind OK. But just kind of putting out there that this is a question I’m struggling with. OK. And just if you don’t you may not get an inspiration the next morning but do it the next night the next night and I’m going to sign you all of a sudden you’ll be you might even be like up folding clothes or I don’t know what you’re walking the dogs shower taking a shower or not listening to anything right.

[01:43:42] Nope nope. That’s right.

[01:43:44] And all of a sudden boom something will pop in there and it will resonate and you’ll say OK. And that’s what I’m talking about. OK. OK. I’ll try to. That’s an interesting idea. Never tried that yet.

[01:43:56] I think I read once that maybe it was Edison. Some famous American Inventor or something visionary person would go to bed with Ben Franklin my.

[01:44:07] Yes dad would write it down a question I would say that’s probably a great idea because that puts it more in your. You’re right in the rest you’re by yourself. Yeah.

[01:44:18] It’s not just like that idea of writing it because I use I use a journal. Well let’s go back to your. OK. So another thing you won’t let go of is meditation right.

[01:44:26] So what’s your day routine but right now I’m kind of past doing my ozone every single day. But that was another one I would always do my Ozalp I would not miss a day without doing that. I would say diet right now is the next thing you know I have my my very kind of strict dietary requirements. Are you in a regular fasting pattern. Yes. Well what is your. I have some consistency to it. I do four to five day fast every two months. I was doing three days every month that I decided you need to do a longer fast to get the benefits of fasting and that’s water only. It’s just water and a little oil sometimes I’ll use enzymes.

[01:45:00] No coffee. No no no no no no. Yes because I mean are you of the opinion that anything that you ingest other than water start turns on the metabolic.

[01:45:09] Yeah I think it’ll keep you know you won’t get knocked out of ketosis if you drink coffee right here in ghettoize but it might shut down some of the toughest conditions or benefits whatever that is the whole thing with the topic. Yeah. I don’t know that anybody studied it so I don’t know. I

[01:45:25] know Dr. Rhonda. Rhonda Patrick talks about look we just don’t believe if you have a cup of coffee or if you’re not fast which so fast. Yes I have coffee every morning. I’ve been on it. I consider what I do a coffee fast. Yes I’ll do.

[01:45:39] I’ll do my bulletproof coffee in the morning and I’ll not eat until I’ll do at least 12 hour sometimes 14 write occasionally 16 so you would have to it at one time like seven o’clock OK and 6:30 at 7:00 when you break your fast.

[01:45:53] I didn’t just get breakfast. So that’s when I started playing with you know and if I wake up and I’m starving I’ll eat breakfast right now but I’ll I’ll try to wait until at least 12 hours. So I’ll try to wait to at least 7:30 or 8 o’clock to eat breakfast if I’m going to fast and if I’m going to try to go 16 hours then I’ll just wait till lunch and then skip breakfast but I’ll have a fat bomb in my in my coffee so I’ll either just do butter or I’ll do butter NMC to you all and.

[01:46:16] And. But I have coffee so.

[01:46:18] But you have reached the state. Have you not. We no longer have hunger cravings. And you could go most serious. You could go longer. I could.

[01:46:26] Let me tell you I’ve had days where because I usually work out my pattern is to work out at like 12:30. OK. It’s very counterintuitive to me but if I’m slightly hungry at 12 o’clock if I go work out and actually perform better than if I ate beforehand and and it alleviates all hunger. So usually if I do that I don’t need to eat dinner. I don’t eat until dinner.

[01:46:49] I can go a full 24 hours and be absolutely fine which I don’t know I don’t know what the explanation is but but it works because burning ketones that’s that’s why that’s why the glucose that causes you to have that desire to eat that your brain needs fuel. That’s what gets you to eat glucose. I work out I don’t work out every single day it’s like a bill. But I like to work out first thing in the morning. That’s kind of my opportunity to kind of if I don’t get it in then I may not get it at all. Right. And I actually feel really good after I get a workout in. You know I don’t go crazy. I used to go crazy. Now I do 35 minutes.

[01:47:23] And you do. So do you do a 12 hour fast. Do you try to try to.

[01:47:26] Yeah I do. Well I do. I like you I have I have bulletproof coffee my butter coffee. But I won’t have it in probably until 10:00 so I’ll be up at 5:30. Right. And I’ll have my first cup of coffee but it’s a nine and 10 because you’re drinking water because I’m drinking water and I don’t need anything. My body’s fine. Right. When I travel and I go and you don’t eat breakfast or you don’t ever eat bread I mean I phone with friends at a hotel I’ll have a couple of exits Amalekite or whatever. Yeah yeah no problem. No problem. But I generally don’t eat breakfast. Right. So my first meal be between say one at 12:30 and to be my first meal. And so I fast four or five days every two months. I do the intimate and fast if you count coffee as part of that process. Pretty much every day. And then I do a 24 hour fast probably two days a month in between sometimes just by necessity because I’m so busy I don’t have time to eat. My body doesn’t care it’s better to be happy so I’ll have dinner on Tuesday. We were busy and when we’re more efficient way more I mean think about it all the time you spend eating. Yeah you to do that yeah. Nice. And when I travel I go to New York you know every couple of months I’m in New York for work and there’s nothing to eat on the airplane there’s nothing to eat at the airport there’s no way I could eat.

[01:48:36] But it’s no big deal. I wake up in the morning. I have a bottle in my water my usual water. I get a bottle of water at the airport after I check in drinking on the plane. And I have you know so I had dinner on Monday before I leave and I have dinner Tuesday when I arrive.

[01:48:48] It makes it really easy. It makes it really easy. So that’s yeah I think boy I can’t even imagine what it be like to be trying to eat healthy and be burning glucose. Right. Right having to eat at the airport having to eat in the air.

[01:49:03] Yeah because you’re not. You just can’t do it. You can’t keep up with the cycle. You need to pack eat snacks and eat every three hours to keep yourself from. I mean it’s just it’s a treadmill.

[01:49:13] Here’s here’s an interesting experience I have when I fast. First day is the hardest. Although now that I’ve had adapted it’s really not that hard but once you become fat adapted day three by day three I have so much energy. It’s insane it’s insane.

[01:49:31] How much do you work out when you’re fasting. Oh yeah. I work out. I’ll do a hard level two three yoga class which I love yoga I do yoga. I’m not now because of my shoulder injury but you know working out is not a problem. What I have to have a problem doing is when I sleep at night by day three four and five that evening I will fall asleep easily but I’ll wake up each sleep cycle and I’ll fall back to sleep every hour and a half every hour and I wake up and fall back to sleep. How do you go to bed. I am. I am in bed by 10:00. So I’m going to be 9:30. I don’t have friends over for dinner maybe 11. That would be a big night for me. Like Hollywood Bowl night. It’s going to be all night probably midnight.

[01:50:08] Special occasion that’s a special occasion. It’s like it’s a glorious exception. And just enjoy it. Yeah right. Exactly. OK.

[01:50:17] Exactly. Yeah. So but you wake up every cycle. You just wake up one more thing when it passes and you wake up. All right back to sleep. Right right right right right. And when I wake up my body feels like I could just jump out of bed right then and there and start working out. And you don’t. But you know right now I just go back to sleep and you need to get a good night’s sleep eight hours of hours seven and a half seven and a half is good. It is great. More than that now. I can’t sleep too much. I feel groggy. Yes.

[01:50:43] Do you use any devices to track anything to use the aura around.

[01:50:47] I was using I was doing what he called heart rate variability test. We have been talking a lot about that. I thought you know interesting and so I the one I bought was wasn’t the one he recommends which I actually have to strap to your chest. Yeah. Yeah. The one I use actually put your finger on it kind of does a little test there or a ring does that too.

[01:51:03] I don’t get mine on but I’ve been testing the whooper versus the aura. Right.

[01:51:08] And just little different versions of the similar things. I think the whoop is a little bit better at grabbing workouts because it’s constantly monitoring your heart rate. Right. Or a ring during the day. Seems to only be a step tracker. Yes. You know and during the night it turns on like I think I think it’s probably got a better usage issue. So it can’t be on all the time. So at night you know it does each RV it does. It does a lot of things. But interesting.

[01:51:39] That’s the only thing I quantified that is HIV tones and glucose levels. And you do that you prick every day and every day more because my diet is pretty consistent but I was when I was trying to see where I was.

[01:51:49] Yes I do that now pretty consistently and I find I mean since being back from vacation I’ve been out I’ve had a hard time getting to that level of back up and and my glucose down. The other day I did it. I’ve been fasting. Well coffee fast. Right. And usually I I felt myself down in the 70s. Glucose. And you know like 1.5 ketones. And this the other day I was at point four and one or two.

[01:52:15] I’m like cheese really.

[01:52:18] So I’m going to burn it. I’m taking exogamous ketones and yeah I experiment I prove it. I tried.

[01:52:28] There was one I got at the show at the convention and I don’t remember the name of it.

[01:52:34] Do you feel you get the same bang for the buck doing that versus just doing it naturally.

[01:52:37] It feels like it just is a helpful kick start. OK. Like I actually feel a difference. My brain turns on a little bit more. But see I’m not in it at a therapeutic level. I’m not in it normally. But I’ve never been above 2 ever. OK. Now I have haven’t tested with exogamous ketones so if I take exogamous ketones like I take a prove I’m doing prove it right.

[01:52:59] I won’t test myself like I took it this morning at 6:30 so I won’t test myself until noon. OK. And when I do I’m thinking that those are probably out of my system at that point. Right. And I don’t know how high levels go when I’m taking the taking the exogamous ketones but I don’t know if I I don’t know if I will continue to need it if I continue living to genic diet lifestyle.

[01:53:24] I don’t know unless you unless you feel like you need a bump for a bad week. Yeah right. Right.

[01:53:30] And I feel like I’m coming back from this vacation. We had a lot of decadent food. I mean I think that you know there’s no way there’s no chance in hell I stayed in ketosis. So I you know just using it now to pull myself back.

[01:53:42] Yeah. I think for cancer you really want to just do it the natural way because you’ve got to not only want your ketones up when your glucose down. Right. Right. So you want to force a glucose meter. Yes. And you know that’s always a challenge. You know it’s always a challenge but it’s definitely I think very therapeutic because I need to give you guys extremely therapeutic. Yeah.

[01:54:06] No I. It’s funny the more I read the more I understand I can’t I can’t really poke a hole in it. Yeah I can’t you know like I’ve got a friend who I don’t think she’ll ever listen to his body. So that’s good. But she she loves Gwyneth Paltrow and goop and all this woo woo crazy. It’s crazy. Some of the stuff that they do and she she’s so bought into that. I can’t even have a conversation with her because it’s just a closed door. I’m willing to. I’m not really willing to engage in what I would say is rational.

[01:54:48] But of course she thinks the same thing around food is like. It takes great shape. It was like religion.

[01:54:53] It’s time to actually engage with my wife all day so as we go down that rabbit hole that it’s all over it’s world war 3 in our house so I just don’t like. OK. Yeah. You know I can support your guy and it’s the same way. Totally

[01:55:07] And you know the more it’s funny because you started this conversation about seeing how die it’s not as important as the thought process so I would say if if if do a plant based or doing a Gwyneth Paltrow type where you know is is in alignment with the way you think. This is probably more therapeutic for you than going with advice from someone who you just doesn’t resonate with.

[01:55:35] I don’t I don’t know exactly what. I have no question that that’s right.

[01:55:38] And so I don’t there’s room for all of it for me. I don’t I don’t have you know wow. I mean back you know I’d say 25 years ago when I first got in this business if people didn’t listen to what I had to say I just you know basically wrote them off and you know call them in here and my family were number one on that list because they typically don’t listen to what I say and you know it was very difficult for me. I struggle with that as a young new excited you know Agent of fitness and health and and my family were like Yeah you know.

[01:56:14] Everybody will say we’re not doing this and you know it’s so.

[01:56:19] But now I have a much more much more you know accepting of people’s choices. And if it’s if it’s in resonance for them then in alignment for them then geez far be it for me to tell you that you’re wrong you know you can have it if like you said there’s every version of cancer is different.

[01:56:39] Yes. And I think about every point in my life when I was a vegetarian it wasn’t very long but for a year or so I was a vegetarian.

[01:56:46] I never worked full on vegan but I went pretty close to being in and I woulda told you back then how great it was. Right right right. There’s a period of my and my dietary life where I was this raw primal diet which you know the it is Vanner planet’s you know raw meat raw dairy raw eggs raw cheese the raw milk. And I would have told you back then this is the best diet ever. Right.

[01:57:06] And then they went again and the paleo probably is one I would probably still argue is that for most people if they’re not struggling with cancer is a pretty effective diet. Yeah. And then there’s a key to genic diet. The difference in this is of course is my bias and I’m perfectly willing to own my bias. I feel that I’ve had more of an opportunity to really look at the science behind a lot of this because there’s been a lot more science behind paleo agenda than there ever was for being a vegetarian. There’s still no there’s still can’t even scratch the surface and the level science that goes into the lives of people and people point to the China Study

[01:57:41] You know it’s just totally I mean yeah let’s start that’s a whole another part of this we can make this a marathon.

[01:57:50] It’s like well this is Joe Rogan we need some we need some marijuana cannabis and sit back and right before our time with them. Exactly. Exactly.

[01:58:01] So no I really appreciate the time and and your story and your willingness to share and what you’re up to because now you are now you’ve got a compelling reason to be in this world. Yes. And you’ve launched a Web site.

[01:58:15] I have one and I would love it if people would visit the site. It’s Quest to cure cancer dotcom. And right now it’s a brand new site it was put up May 15th that took about four months and I spent a lot of time kind of organizing the materials on there to try to get the framework in there. So everything we’ve talked about is part of what it’s all there. I need to do a separate blog post on each of the underlying elements and protocols because it’s way too much information and I’m trying to figure out how to organize it so people can really digesting it is a benefit. Right. And so this is very much kind of a work in progress. But my plan just quickly because I know we’re running out of time is to see if I can kind of get a core group of folks to kind of help me facilitate by answering questions to a questionnaire asking them what they really would like to see. And then maybe do it like a closed Facebook group to kind of sort of build it from the platform. Like when I go back to the Web site I could really add some value because I think it’s hard when you’re building a site in it.

[01:59:08] Look I suffer I suffer from this too as I no longer have beginner’s mind. I no longer. I’ve tainted the waters have opened Pandora’s Box and I know what’s on the inside and I know what I’ve got and it’s hard to see it with those fresh eyes. You just can’t have because you hear the guy behind the you’re you’re the Wizard of Oz you know.

[01:59:27] That’s right.

[01:59:29] Look at all the information all the knowledge you have and CrossFit and nutrition and all that movement and action and all that stuff. It’s like a firehose So you want to be able to figure out OK what with all that value can I really bring to your life right. Right.

[01:59:42] So if somebody wants to engage with you and perhaps be part of that process for you what’s the best way to do that.

[01:59:47] That’s the way to do it is just go on the Web site and just get it. Give me your e-mail address you can send me an email directly from the Web site if you’d like and I answer all my e-mails right now. I have about 600 subscribers. So it’s fairly small but I’m building a little base and it’s a subscription to your block to the blog. Yeah. Basically just give me an email address and there’s no freebies yet because it’s brand new kind of thing. But you know I even take phone calls.

[02:00:09] I’m not suggesting that I continue to blow it up.

[02:00:12] But right now right now I’m just trying to help people out it’s best to figure out what information is best for people’s eyes are the best. To go on the site subscribe and send me an email you get it right from a website.

[02:00:22] I will respond. Are you at Twitter and Facebook I Social media is is the next stage. Got it. OK. So I’m at a jump and right now get to the Web sites there. All right cool. I appreciate the chance to be on your back.

[02:00:36] Absolutely. And you know when we post this I will. You’ll obviously have a link to the podcast and maybe if people have questions and they find their way to our blog and ask it on our blog I’m happy that you can jump in as a guest and just you know start engaging with people. I’ll be happy to in fact so that some of those questions might help us with the follow up. All right. Yes so guys if you have questions for Eric just you can post them on our site.

[02:01:02] He’ll jump in. So thank you again. Thank. Really appreciate it.

[02:01:09] The whole life podcast is produced by our podcast here.

[02:01:13] Winslow Jenkins and Ernie HURTADO you can find all of our episodes links and complete shows at whole life challenge dot com forward slash podcast the way that I found is the best way to listen to podcasts is to subscribe so the episodes automatically get delivered right to your mobile device. You can do that in any podcast app on your phone. And hey if you like the podcast please do me a favor. Go to iTunes and give it a five star rating and recommend it to your friend. I be patriotic. And thanks so much. Phyllis.

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If you enjoyed this podcast, here are some others to check out:
Robb Wolf – Diets, Epigenetics, Longevity, and Going Foodless for 9 Days
Kristin Kaschak – The Girl With the Butter

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Andy Petranek
Andy is what you’d call a modern day Renaissance Man: a former professional trumpeter who attended the Eastman School of Music; a snowboarder, mountain biker, surfer, kayaker, outrigger paddler, mountaineer, and former Marine (Gulf War veteran); a professionally sponsored adventure racer; and the oldest participant to qualify for and participate in the CrossFit Games at the age of 43.

Andy is a certified CHEK Practitioner and holistic lifestyle coach. He holds a spectrum of certifications from CrossFit and is also a Vivobarefoot certified running coach. He has trained as a Zen buddhist and graduated with a Master’s degree in spiritual psychology from the University of Santa Monica.

Andy founded CrossFit LA one of the first and most successful CrossFit training centers in the world and the first to be featured in national media. He is the co-founder of the Whole Life Challenge, Inc, currently its president, and is also a consultant and life/business coach. Andy lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Julia, and son, Dashel.