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Kettlebell Convenience: The 15 Swings Workout

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The 15 Swings Workout is a simple, but well-rounded routine designed to hit both your lower and upper body. It includes hinge, squat, and pressing movements, and the number of kettlebell swings will definitely get your heart rate going. Choose a weight that makes you work, but still allows you to do the number of reps with great form. You may need more than one kettlebell depending on the strength of your presses.

The 15 Swings Workout

  1. 15 Swings
  2. 5 Goblet Squats
  3. 15 Swings
  4. 5 Push-ups
  5. 15 Swings
  6. 5 Military Presses (Right Side)
  7. 15 Swings
  8. 5 Military Presses (Left Side)

After the first round, take a two-minute break. Repeat the entire sequence two more times for a total of three rounds. Don’t feel pressure to go faster – just do consistent good work and you’ll see the benefits over time.

Note: If you are unfamiliar with any of these movements, click on the exercise name to see a demonstration. Remember that excellent form is more important than speed or weight. If you are unsure about anything, seek out a qualified kettlebell instructor in your area.

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Delaine Ross
Delaine was an early adopter of the new wave of kettlebell training, earning her Russian Kettlebell Certification in 2006. Summer 2007 was Delaine's first season as a fitness competitor and she placed fourth overall in the Fitness America - Southern California show. In 2009, she came in second in the Southeast's Fitness America - Dixie competition.

In March 2010, Delaine was promoted to RKC Team Leader by Chief Instructor Pavel Tsatsouline. When Pavel created his own company, Strong First, she accepted a Senior Instructor position. In 2007, Delaine opened Condition Kettlebell Gym in Atlanta, Georgia, and after successfully running it for eight years refocused her attention to coaching trainers how to properly teach kettlebells to their own students to ensure both safety and maximum benefit.