This Week You’ll Keep a Daily Journal
Simple Instructions:
- Sit down for 10 minutes each day and write in a handwritten journal.
- Use any kind of journaling you like. Choose something that suits your needs and personal style. Some examples are a diary-type reflective journal, stream-of-consciousness, “free form” writing, or Artist’s Way morning pages.
- You can also use any of the journal cues provided below.
- Don’t worry about the content. This is not art. It doesn’t even have to be legible or considered “writing.”
- All of your thoughts are fair game — don’t censor yourself.
Some Writing Prompts You Can Try:
Watch this video for an explanation of this Lifestyle Practice from Whole Life Challenge co-founders Andy Petranek and Michael Stanwyck.
Why Is This Practice Important?
Most of the time, our thoughts seem to have a life of their own. They bounce around in our heads and operate on their own schedule, coming and going as they please. Some of them don’t seem to serve any useful purpose, but there can be important or valuable thoughts inside us that we’re not present to.
Whether our thoughts are positive or negative, when we don’t get them out in some way, they tend to block our forward progress. Unexpressed thoughts can keep us stuck in our past struggles or prevent our creative thoughts from launching us forward into new and exciting opportunities.
Taking the time to get our uncensored thoughts out of our heads and onto paper can liberate our minds. If it’s important stuff, now you’ve become present to it and can make it useful. If it’s something you want to move forward from, you can even rip the page out of your journal, burn it, and be done with it!
The simple act of releasing your thoughts by keeping a daily journal can give you the freedom to take your own mind back and create new connections and new opportunities.
For More on This Practice
Teacher, speaker, and psychotherapist, Megan Devine, has been stirring up our culture’s ideas around grief and loss since 2009. That year, she witnessed the accidental drowning of her beloved partner Matt. Much of Megan’s work involves writing and journaling, which is why Andy invited her onto the podcast. For Megan’s thoughts on how the habit of journaling can open unexpected things for us in terms of healing during the grief process, click through to the podcast and jump to 17:13.