If you had nothing but a fish, a fire, and a cast iron pan, you could make some wonderful things happen.
Here, we’re going to learn those things.
(And you’ll leave with a skill that will be very useful during your next backwoods adventure).
While this recipe is a bit further along than just iron and fish (we’re going to use lemon, butter, and thyme), the essence stays the same — you could cook this dish over an open campfire with any whitefish you choose — trout, tilapia, bass, cod, or halibut — with no loss of fidelity or flavor.

Cast Iron Fish Recipe
You could cook this dish over an open campfire with any whitefish you choose — trout, tilapia, bass, cod, or halibut — with no loss of fidelity or flavor.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 7 minutes
Total Time 12 minutes
Servings 2
- 2 fillets wild-caught halibut skin on, 6-8 oz. each
- 3 tbsp grass-fed butter
- Fresh thyme
- 3 tbsp avocado oil
- 1 lemon or 2 limes
- Salt
- Pepper
To Get Started:
Get your cast iron skillet roaring hot. (Like, stupid hot.)
While the skillet heats, salt and pepper your fish on both sides.
Step 1:
Once hot (as demonstrated by a bit of smoking), add avocado oil and coat the skillet.
Put the fish in the skillet, skin side down, and sear for 3 minutes. (This will give you a crispy skin, an essential part of the final product.)
Flip the fish over, and add butter and thyme to the pan.
Step 2:
If possible, turn down the heat. (If you're doing this outdoors, move the pan to the periphery of your fire/heat source.)
Cook for an additional 3-4 minutes. (During this time, move the butter around in the skillet to prevent burning.)
Remove the skillet from the heat source, and let rest for 1 minute.
Serving the Meal
Plate your fish, and cover with drippings from the pan.
Serve with fresh lemon or lime, along with the salad of your choice.