This 12-minute bodyweight workout will build your stamina and cardiovascular capacity, and will prove a challenge, regardless of your fitness level.
The best part: it requires no equipment at all—just a few square feet of floor space.
Your Bodyweight Workout:
- Set your clock for 12 minutes (a cell phone timer or alarm works great for this)
- Do 5 Burpees, 10 Sit-ups, and 15 Squats
- Repeat as many times as possible until the 12 minutes is up
Movement Tips:
Burpees: A burpee is performed from standing. Plant your hands on the ground on either side of your feet, and kick back to a plank position. Do a full pushup (from the plank or the knees), and as you near completion of the pushup, bring your feet back underneath you. Stand and jump, clapping your hands over your head.
Situps: Lie on the ground with your butt and shoulder blades in contact with the ground, your feet flat, and your knees bent at ninety degrees. Keeping your butt on the ground, sit up all the way up. Your shoulders should be directly over your hips at the top. Return to the ground and repeat.
Squats: Stand with your feet at shoulder width, and send your hips back, simultaneously bending your knees until your hips are below parallel. Keep your weight on your heels throughout, your gaze on the horizon, and your back flat. Return to standing and repeat.